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Michaels PoV:
How could Stacey be such a bitch?My girlfriend is now laid unconscious in a hospital bed with her head all bandaged up and a cast or her tiny wrist.

Holding onto her left hand tight I didn't want to let her go I fucking love her and she's been unconscious for the past three hours; Lying there completely still!

"Are you Katie's guardian?"A doctor asked as he walked into her room.
"Well, im her boyfriend her brother went to pick up her mum."
"Are you 18 or older?"
"Yes."I replied slightly confused.
"Well we'd like to take Katie for a scan on her head.To make sure there's nothing to serious."
"Is she going to be okay?"That's all I wanted to know if she was okay, I only just got her back.

"She should wake up soon, we need you to come down to the scan with her because she's under 18."he said in such a monotone voice you wouldn't believe he was looking after my small beautiful girlfriend.

"Erm oh okay."
Quickly they took the brakes of her bed and wheeled her out of the room and towards the scanner.

The hole walk I stayed with her and I couldn't help but smile when her blue eyes started to flutter open.It took her a moment to be awake properly and she smiled up at me.

"Where are we Mikey?"
"The hospital baby, the bandaged you up and put a cast on your wrist."
"Where are we going?" she asked worried gasping for breath; so I leaned down to kiss her hand while I walked to try and comfort her.

"They need to scan your head to make sure it's okay."
"I'm not going in there."
"I'll be with you."
"I can't Michael."
Katie was serious and like Jack said she hates hospitals.Her hand began to shake and tears spilled from her eyes.Shes gonna have a fucking panic attack, shit!


Katie's PoV:
Once i started to calm down I leaned to Michael and kissed him as best I could.

"What was that about?"
He asked hoarsely and squeezed my hands.
"It's a long story!"
"I'll listen."
"Okay then."

"When I was 14 I had a fall broke my hand and had to have a x-Ray and stuff.This was before I was scared of them and when I went to x-Ray I was okay.Until I was about to leave and all the nurses had to rush to a man.He was in the scanner and had a heart attack.They couldn't get him out quick enough so he died because of one of those machines.Thats why I don't want to go in the scan."

"Shit Katie.Im sorry I wasn't there you shouldn't have had to witness that."
"It was a long time ago Mikey im just scared."

He stared at me for a moment his green eyes glistening as he thought.
"How about I ask if I can stay with you?You know while your in there I can sit by your feet and you can see me constantly."

"Would you do that?"
"Yes of corse."
"I love you Michael!"
"I love you too Katie!"


So it turns out scans aren't as bad as I remember.Apart from the fact that I couldn't move my head; I didn't need to though.

The hole time Michael was sat by my feet drawing random patterns on my leg.He was smiling at me and I could see his green eyes through the little mirror.

Your beautiful
He mouthed to me then started pulling funny faces.I had to stop from laughing because it would make me move my head and Michael mouthed to me sorry I didn't know if it was for Stacey or that he was making me laugh so i took it as both.


The ward was very crowded and I started to get nervous before they pulled me into a side room.

"We have the results of the scan."the doctor told Michael and I, but I didn't want to know yet unless it was bad.
"Can we wait till my parents get here?"
"of corse."

Michael decided he was gonna lay with me in the bed and snuggled closer to me.Afterwards he began to kiss me.

While we where kissing he started to kiss down my neck and made me giggle.Just as I was about to push him away he kissed on my collarbone, soon I realised what he was doing and started playing with his hair to get him away from me.

Mikey was giggling when he pulled away and I tried to look down to see if he had left a mark but i couldn't.

"Michael you did didn't you?"
"Maybe i did."I bit my lip and leaned into his shoulder as my head started to hurt.

"You okay."
"Hmm my head hurts."
"I think Luke and your mum and dad are coming soon."
"Where are my clothes?"
Michael pulled them out of his backpack.They weren't mine though just some of my sweat pants.

"Jack brought you some trousers.I had spare shirts in my locker."
"Thank you Mikey, who got me out of my shirt and jeans.Shit my shirt had blood on."
"Me, Jack didn't want too.I hope that's okay."
"It's okay Mike thanks,
can you help me...Erm get dressed this hospital gown is...a bit..umm itchy."
"Yes I'll help don't worry about it."

Carefully he sat me up on my bed and untied the back of the gown.His hands where cold and it made me shiver but he just mumbled sorry and slipped it off of my shoulders.

Afterwards he gave me his tshirt which got over my bandaged head as it was bigger.Also it smelt like Michael so I snuggled into it.
"You like my shirt."he giggled.

"Yes I do it smells like you."
"You can keep it though but it is my favourite so don't loose it."
"I won't Mike I'll wear it constantly."
"Bit disgusting but I'm fine with you wearing it" he laughed.

When he took a seat I tried to stand up but started to go dizzy.Instantly Michaels hands where brought up from the chair he was in
to around my waist.

"I got you babe."he said holding my waist up.Plus he had to pull my sweats up because I couldn't due to the cast on my wrist.

"You've got a nice but."
"You have nice eyes.Can you help me get into bed Mikey?"
"Why don't you sit on my lap and we can snuggle?"
"I love your snuggles."
"I love you."

Laid in his arms I felt different, I felt cared for and loved for once.At home in Michaels arms he was my special place.

Always has been even if he wasn't by my side.

Daydream away//Michael G. CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now