Surfing with Luke

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Walking around wondering the streets for a while, I felt like screaming.Screaming till my voice breaks and starts to sound bristly.

Clenching my fists, i thought about lifting it up and slamming it against the closest building but I didn't do that either, I let them fall to my sides and stay there.The weight of them becoming heavier as I walked.

Just as I was about to start running to the beach so I could finally breath a car horn beeped beside me.
"Hemmings get in."Ashton shouted and I noticed Luke was driving the car and has tears on his cheeks.

"Why are you two here?"
I asked confused and sat in the back leaning my back against the door and pulling my knees up to my chest.

"Denise called and said you had run off."Ashton said and I nodded but asked,
"Shouldn't you be with Michael practicing or some shit?"

Luke glanced at me through the mirror and sighed.
"Katie you know how I feel about Michael right now.Im worried about you, that seems to be all you do lately; run off and do stupid things."
"Luke you sound like a fucking shrink."
"Okay I'll stop but please come surfing with us?"
"Fine but do you have your wallet because I need a bikini."

Luke mumbled an 'alright' before we pulled up at the beach.Quickly I got a cute bikini as the sun was setting soon and ran back to Luke and ash who had three surfboards around them in the sand.

Taking the smallest one we jogged down too the sea and paddled out to the waves on our boards.
Standing up as the waves got bigger (which I had gotten better at) I had saw Luke and Ash where too.

The water is so calming and beautiful it's amazing.
"DAT ASS!"some guy shouted from the beach and wolf whistled which distracted me for a while almost making me stumble off my board; before I looked over and saw a group of lads all staring at me apart from one.

"THATS MY FUCKING SISTER!"Luke shouted and I was a little surprised but thankful.

After we rode a couple more waves we went back to the sand banks and talked watching the sunset, but I had to sit on Ashton's lap so I didn't get sand in my butt and Luke said it would be wrong for me to sit on him.

"Katie I'm sick of people treating you like shit.Im your brother I shouldn't be letting this happen!"
"Luke it's okay I can deal with it."
"You obviously can't, please come home!"
"Luke I love living with Denise I don't want too."
"Okay."he sighed and ran back to the water with his board.

"Do you want to go?I'll just sit on the clothes."
"No Katie it's fine."
"What if things had worked out for us?"he asked out of the blue and I looked up at him.

"Ashton I don't know."
"You would be happier, I'm not saying that I can change everything Katie.But I do care about you a lot."

Ashton leaned in and I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes and almost kiss him too.
"Katie what's wrong?"
To be honest I was just nervous but I couldn't tell him that.

"We're both single now Katie.The same as it was when we first went on our date."
"It's not the same though is it Ashton? Everything's different!"
"It doesn't have to be. Forget about Michael he got a blow job of some random chick."
"Was that what he did?"
"Yes Katie now please let me kiss you."

Carefully I moved so I was straddling his legs and he put his arms around me tight to stop me falling backwards down the bank , then kissed me.

His lips felt the same as they did the last time and I could tell that he was being careful and loving as there was no lust in the kiss, unlike Michael.

We both giggled pulling away and Luke coughed behind me.
"Fucking finally."he smiled and it made me happy that Luke didn't mind me kissing his friend again after all this bullshit that's happened with Michael and Ashton's ex-girlfriend.

"I'll leave you two alone if you want?"Luke asked as he hid behind his board to take of his wet suit and put on some shorts.

Ashton lifted me off his lap then stood up.
"I need to take mine of too."he pulled the top half off in front of me so I could see his back muscles before going behind the board that Luke was behind.

"Ash mate you might as well take it off out here.Your dicks bigger than Michaels."
"Luke shut up, I know."I mumbled and Ashton giggled.
"It was an accident bro."Ashton blushed popping his head out from the side.
"He was in the shower on the bus and i needed too pee."I told Luke and he laughed hugging me.

"I am going to go see if there's any hot girls in the Café.So you two please talk."

Ashton said from behind the board after Luke left,
"Can I have my pants please.I forgot."he mumbled and I noticed he had his shirt on.

"What if I don't want to get up?"cheekily I giggled and Ashton laughed.
"Well then I'm going to have to come and get them.With a naked dick!"
"Oh that sounds great to me."

He walked out with his hands over his dick and i sighed disappointed.
"Seriously?"I asked and as soon as I did he moved his hands.

"Fuck"I mumbled but didn't mean too and immediately regretted it.
"Bigger than Michael?"
"9 inches."
"Shit seriously?"

He pulled on his boxers and I was still staring at his dick as something came to mind.
"Ashton is anyone at your house?"
"Just Lauren."
"Well could I maybe come home and do something for you."
"Michael never let me... You know what that girl did... but he let that little slut.So could I for you?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I want to do this."
"Come on then."he giggled and I just quickly took of my bikini top and went behind the board to put my panties and shirts on.

Daydream away//Michael G. CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now