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The writing seemed to get more rushed as I glanced down the page that Michael had written.

I was terrified to read it but I new I had to just for old time sake.

Dead Katie,
I know this is probably just going to be put in the little rubbish can in your room( yes I realised that) but please don't.

First thanks if your still reading.But you should know because of all those years we where friends, I'm not good with people.

And neither are you as far as I can tell, since you punched Stacey;You broke her nose by the way.

Anyway it was her fault she's a slut and you made me realise it was a mistake getting with her.So I'm gonna try brake up with her.I'll let you know how it goes.

You see I'm not good with actually talking to people that's why I'm writing this.I could sing you a song but I'm only kinda good at that.Your brothers a lot better.

So Katie your probably happy with Ashton because I know you two went on a date.If you are that's okay because your with someone good who makes you happy and now I'm not going to be with no one.

That's sounds like I'm trying to make you feel bad but honestly I'm not...Sorry if I am!
Katie your beautiful and when we where younger I thought you where the best person ever.When you stuck up for your brother it made me realise it again.

I may have lost myself for a while and I'm sorry if it effected you.Now I've come to realise that I need you.Your the glue that holds me together.You always have been but I just forgot for a while.

We've only been back at school for two days and you probably already hate me.Im truly sorry if I hurt you.

I don't think I can even remember a time in High school that I have ever been happy.You know that happiness like when we where little and would build forts and play in them all day long.

I miss that, I miss you Katie please I know your dating Ashton but will you come to our old spot on Saturday.

We need to talk.

Katie I'm sorry but I love you

Michael xx

By the end of the letter the paper was flooded with tears.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Michael.

Quickly I tried to hide the fact I was fully crying and he sat on the bench next to me.It was then I realised everyone else was already gone to class.

"Sorry for making you cry."
"I don't mind is this true that you miss me?"
Nervously Michael pulled his sleeves up so he had sweater paws.

"Yeh Katie it is...And the last part too."
"So why do you want me to come on Saturday?"
"So I can prove to you that I'm not a waste of time and I won't leave like last time."
"Okay Michael I've got to go to tutoring Ashton will be wondering where I am.I'll try and be there okay."
"Okay Katie I'll see you later."

When I walked in to class everyone turned and glared at me.Ashton's face softened though and i walked to the desk beside him.

"Where were you?"he sounded worried and kissed my cheek.Although I couldn't help but move away.I didn't feel right knowing what I know now.
"Luke gave me a letter."
"Why would your brother give you a letter?"
"It was from Michael."
"What did he want?"
"Nothing ash can you stop asking questions I don't want to talk about it."
"Sorry"he mumbled and I decided to get up and move seats so I was with Calum.He looked lonely because Denise wasn't in our tutor.

"Hey Katie."
"Hi Cal can I borrow your phone?"
"Yeh but why couldn't you just borrow Ashton's or use yours?"
"Mines dead and Ashton keeps asking questions I don't think I'll ever know the answer too."
"Oh yeh here.Don't read our messages though!"

He typed in his pass code and brought up Denise's contact number which made me giggle.They're so cute together!
To Baby 😘
From Cally 😍
Hey Denise it's Katie can you meet me in the bathroom after this I need to talk ASAP? 💕

From Baby😘
To Cally 😍
Yeh sure are you okay? What happened earlier with Luke💕💕

To Baby😘
From Cally😍
Idk I'll explain later okay I gtg the teachers watching me 💕💕

Calum looked at me curiously and then down at his phone.
He didn't ask just gave me a friendly hug.
"I know you probably don't want to talk about this with me, just Denise but I'm here for you K."
"I know Cal but I seriously need her help or professional help.Im not sure yet!"

Laying my head on the desk i looked over at Ashton who was doing the same.Carelessly slumped in his chair his head in between his arms.

So badly I just wanted to hug him, but that wouldn't help.Just make things worse!
Calum must have realised and tried to distract me.

"So I'm joining your brothers band you know."
"Cool, Denise always goes on about how your voice is heaven."
I giggled and he did too.
"Well I wouldn't exactly say heaven but yeh."
"Your gonna have to put up with my brother though."
"He's not too bad."
"I know they're all okay I guess."
"Okay what about you and Ashton?"
"It's complicated Calum!"

Walking fast to the bathroom I realised Denise was stood out side.
"So what happened?"
"Read this."
It was hard to explain so I just gave her the letter to read for herself.

She scanned her eyes across the page and she smiled widely when she got to the end.
"So your crush likes you what's wrong with that?"
"He doesn't just like me he loves me and I can't just ditch Ashton like that."
"Date both of them."
"Denise I'm not a hore!"
"Well I would help you but i don't know what to do.Wait till Michael actually shows you okay?"
"Okay.And we have music now anyway."

The class room was different when we walked in not everyone was there.
Just our Music teacher and I could here some people setting up instruments.

"What's going on?"Denise asked confused and then I realised.
Luke, Cal and of corse Ashton and Michael walked into the room.

"Well out of the class I picked you two to be in the talent show.Plus the boys entered to,so you have to rehearse together."

"But I play Bass and so does Calum."Denise stated looking at her boyfriend who was smiling.
"Well I'm sure you two would be more than happy to play bass together.And Katie your singing with the boys."
"Do I have to?"
"Yes Ashton's informed me that you can sing, which I already new so you are.If you don't, you don't pass."

Reluctantly I sat next to Luke and he hugged me.I tried to keep focus but I couldn't help realise that Michael was sat beside me.How the fuck am I supposed to do this?

"Katie are you okay there?"Miss Honey asked and I looked up to her.
"Not really sorry what was that?"
"You and Michael will be singing Say Something.I know it's not really either of your taste but i want to here you sing.

Plus all of you will be singing Drown by bring me the horizon.Ashton helped me pick now get rehiring.Michael, Katie here is your song."

She handed us the paper and left to the next room to help teach the class.
"So Michael."
"Katie...Ermm I was thinking of singing another song for you.But I just will on Saturday."
"Oh okay Michael lets get started."

Well isn't this going to be fun!Stuck with my brother and the two guys that are apparently in love with me.

Daydream away//Michael G. CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now