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Getting ready for the date with Ashton was so stressful.Clothes where scattered all over my floor and I didn't know what to wear.

Luke came in laughing holding his phone up to his face.
"What are you doing Luke I'm stressed enough?"
"I'm on FaceTime to ash."
"Luke go away please."I sighed slumping on my bed that was full of clothes.

Luke was still laughing and gave me his phone even though I protested.
"Hey Ashton"He smiled and it instantly calmed me down.

"Why are you stressing so much?"
"I don't know what to wear."
"Jeans or something comfortable I don't mind."
"You sure."
"Yes okay you look great in anything I'll be there in an hour or so."
"Bye ash."I said just before he put the phone down.

"Are you okay now?"
"Yes Luke now go away."

I finally got dressed and touched up my hair and makeup.
There was a knock on the door.I ran as fast as I could down the stairs but just wasn't quick enough and mum answered the door to a nervous Ashton.

"Luke's upstairs I think"she answered oblivious and I walked to them.
"I'm here for Katie."
He took my hand and pulled me to his side.

"Oh your going on a date?"
"Well Liz I was going to ask you if I could take Katie out."
"Well I trust you Ashton just have her back for 10"
"Thanks mum"I smiled walking out to Ashton's car with him.Admiring the way he was still blushing and his large hands held mine perfectly.

"That was very cute"I told him climbing in the front seat of his car.
"I just wanted to make sure this was okay."
"Ermm I think it is."

We arrived at the lake and Ashton took a skateboard out of the boot of the car.
I was intrigued and walked around to him.

"You took me out here to skateboard?"
"Yeh, But I want to show you this place see what you think."
"Okay."I agreed wanting to know what this place was.

"Can you use a skateboard or not?"
"Well then you can sit in the front.Hop on cutie!"

I felt blush rise to my cheeks when he said that.When I sat on the front of it Ashton leaned over to see if I was okay.

"Are you okay there?"
"Yep let's go."

When we arrived at a little hut I was shocked as it had a couch and big pillows scattered everywhere.Also there was a string of fairy lights on the ceiling.
"Ash did you do this for me?"
"This is so cute."

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.His arms wrapped around me tight.

"I know that you probably don't like me as much as Michael because I'm me and im nothing compared to him, but I really really like you and not just for your looks your an amazing person."
"Ashton did Luke tell you?...About Michael?"
"Yeh but don't be mad at him."
"I'm not I do like you too though, ever since we kissed.I just haven't really acknowledged it."
"Well then maybe I can make you like me more."

Ashton and I where now sat on the pillows and he leaned down to press his lips to mine.
"Katie your amazing."
"Your pretty cool yourself ash."

For a couple of hours we just laid there talking and occasionally singing together.

"K you can sing you know, you should do it more."
"Hmm I don't like singing in front of people."
"You sang with me."
"Because it's you."

Just as Ashton started to lean in for the second time tonight my phone started to ring in my pocket.
It was Luke.

"What do you want Luke?"
"Michael's here"
"Please just come home I'm scared he's gonna kill me."
"Tell him to leave or call Jack, where's mum anyway?"
"Shopping please come home."
"What can I do?Call Jack, Luke I'm with Ashton and I am actually enjoying myself.Bye."

When I put my phone back in my pocket Ashton was looking at me.
"What did Luke want?"
"Michael's at my house and he's panicking."
"We can go if you want."
"No I want to stay with you and get Michael of my mind for a while, but it is cold here now."

Ashton then stood up pulling me up with his hand.He also picked up the blanket and wrapped it around me tight.

When he locked the door he put his arm around my shoulder the skateboard in his other hand.
"So this crush on Michael, tell me about it?"

"Ashton I'm on a date with you I don't really wanna talk about Michael."
"Yeh but you two used to be friends."
"Yeh used to be...and?"

"I just wondered if you'd ever dated him."
"No I haven't we where just friends."
"But the crush?"
"Exactly it was a crush and I realised he didn't like me that way so I moved on."

Ashton smiled and kissed my cheek.
I told him that but to only make him happy, yeh I'm trying to move on from my 10 year crush on Michael; but I haven't, not yet!

Ashton's car was cold so I kept the blanket wrapped around me.
The car started and the music was very loud so he turned it down a notch.

"My place or yours?"he asked beginning to drive away from the lake.
"It's up to you I have two hours so we could watch a movie or something."

"Cool but my mum and brother and sister are probably there."
"I don't mind as long as your brother and sister aren't baby's."
"They're not but Harry will probably have a crush on you and start acting weird."
"Oh okay then Ash."

Ashton's house was so cosy.He said hi to his family then took my to his room in the basement to watch movies.

I still had the blanket and I didn't want to let go because it smelt so nice and homey.I didn't know if that was In actual fact Ashton or the blanket but either way I liked it.

"Katie at school tomorrow do you want me to pick you up?"
"You can if you want to."I nodded cuddling into the pillows of his bed.

Being really tiered I started to drift asleep and Ashton's hand play with my hair till my eyes closed.


"ASHTONNNN, it's 11:30 turn the TV down."both of us where awaken by Harry shouting.

"Shit, shit, shit"I mumbled jumping up out of the bed and grabbing my phone.

•15 missed calls of mum
•12 of dad
•23 texts from Luke
•7 texts of Jack
•5 texts of Ben

"Ashton I'm an hour and a half late mums going to fucking kill me!!"
Panicking I ran up the stairs of Ashton's room and out of the house to his car with him following closely behind me.

"Shit ash, you know my mum.Im going to get killed, I'll be dead!This is probably be the last time you'll see me.She won't let me out of the house."

My hands began to shake and I felt Ashton take mine to try and help.

"I'm sure your brothers have done worse and I'll talk to her okay and your dad I don't mind honestly."
"But this isn't your fault I'm the one who fell asleep."
"I did too okay and by the way your beautiful when your asleep because your so peaceful and perfect."

"Ashton I'm so glad I went on a date with you and not Michael your so cute.Now let's go get ready for my murder caused by my mother.Whoooop!"

A/n pls vote thank you 😊💕💕

Daydream away//Michael G. CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now