The Meaning of Love

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The following days went well for everyone. Taylor felt like everything's in place again, that everything's balanced, everything's okay.

Her dad has been recovering fair enough that he's allowed to go home and continue his physical therapy there thrice to four times a week and when they told Cara and Selena about what happened to Taylor's dad, they asked them if they can take over the business and look after the cats for a few more days. The two understood the current situation and agreed to take care of things until the 28th, since Selena said that she couldn't manage the cafe from the 23rd till the 1st of January since her parent's are coming over to celebrate Christmas and New Year and Cara on the other hand, is going home to London in the 29th.

Their friends expressed their support for Taylor's father after hearing the news from Cara and Selena. Her father couldn't help but to smile whenever some of Taylor's friends and even Karlie's family is wishing him to get well soon over a video call or voice call. It's one of the things that keeps Scott positive every single day.

He has been expressing how fond and how warmed up he is with Karlie too, which is a big deal to Taylor, because the last time she checked her father wasn't like that to anyone who she'd dated before.

As he finishes up his meal, Taylor sets the empty plate down on the nightstand and averted her gaze to the door when she heard footsteps rushing towards the room.

"Bab-- I mean Tay, dinner's ready." Karlie's enthusiastic demeanor was tainted with a tinge shyness. Even when she feels like she's already a part of the Swift's, she just couldn't call Taylor 'Babe' whenever she's around her parents. It was as if that her shyness parameter is at it's peak whenever she's around them and it was surreal. Taylor found her adorable whenever she would always suppress herself from calling her with their endearment. She could still recall how Karlie told her how she hated the word Babe a week and a half ago and now she's so fond of saying the word.

Smiling, Taylor looked at her and said, "I'll be right over. Give me a second."

"I'll wait for you downstairs, I want to eat dinner with you." Karlie said with a smile, before heading downstairs.

"I like her," Though her father couldn't say the words clearly as he was still in the process of recovery but Taylor could understand what he was saying. "She's a very wonderful person."

"She is," Taylor smiled in agreement.

"Don't let her go, it's find to hard someone like that."


"I really like her for you."

They smiled at each other before Taylor gave her father a hug as she whispered, "Thank you." in his ears. His response however, brought tears in Taylor's eyes as he responded, "You don't have to thank me, you know that I've always wanted the best for you."


When she went into the dining room, everything was already set and as usual just like the past few days, Austin and her mom's talking to Karlie as if they'd never ran out of stories to tell. Karlie told her that most of their stories were about her childhood, and how she became the woman she is today.

When Karlie noticed her presence, she excused herself and immediately diverted all of her attention to Taylor. She stood up from her seat and walked over to her, taking her hand and guiding her to the chair she pulled out for her which was right next to her's.

"You didn't." Taylor jokingly hissed, narrowing her eyes at Karlie before taking a bite on the baked chicken on her plate.

"I just did." Karlie quips back as she took the forkful of casserole into her mouth.

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