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A/N: I'll try to edit the wrong grammars and such.

Happy reading everyone. :)


98 Days.

It's been 98 days ever since Karlie left for London and never returned.

Taylor haven't seen her or heard anything from her. There were no letters, no text, no e-mails. 98 whole days of silence.

She assumed that Karlie decided to forget about her after what happened that night, the last night that she saw the love of her life.

But even if those thoughts lingers inside her mind, there's always a voice deep inside her heart that keeps on praying that Karlie's still longing for her, that Karlie still loves her, that Karlie just need some time and space after what had happen exactly 14 weeks ago.

Taylor laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Every night kept on telling herself to move on, but she couldn't because she knew she could never find someone like Karlie Elizabeth Kloss.

The love that they had for each other comes once in a lifetime, Karlie changed her. Karlie's her inspiration, her bestfriend, her true love, her soulmate, her lover all rolled into one. Karlie meant everything to her, Karlie meant the world to her.

Karlie's the one who showed her a lot of incredible things outside of the walls that she built around herself.

Karlie thought her how to be carefree.

Karlie showed her how to take risks.

And Karlie's the one who guided her to love, again.

Karlie's the one who made her feel most alive, Karlie's the one who made her world vibrant and wonderful.

That's why every night, she'd always find herself hugging her pillow tight as she cries for Karlie's name. Every night she keeps on praying that one day, she'll come back into her arms.

Whenever she closes her eyes before drifting off to sleep, she could still remember every memory of that they've shared together as if everything had just happened yesterday.


She could still remember the shy Karlie that she met two years ago. Karlie wasn't that type of person who's overly affectionate. She wasn't that type of person who shout her love out for someone. She was the subtle type, her sweetness comes in unexpected turns. The type where thoughtfulness are rare but are shown significantly in ways that they could never be forgotten. Those simple gestures and moments that they've shared together lead Taylor to her fall.

She could still remember the time when they had a fight that almost lead into a break up. But they pulled through. They stayed together because they realized they couldn't simply exist without each other. They both know that this relationship is more than special.

Taylor knew that they were never the perfect couple, where everything is sunshine and rainbows all the time. They would occasionally quarrel over something or someone, but at the end of the day, they'd always fix the problem since neither of them would let the day pass without everything being okay in between them.

Taylor opened her eyes once again. Shifting to her side, she looked out of her bedroom's window and saw that the stars are shining brightly just like when Karlie told her those wonderful promises.

Laying on a lush bed of Eden-green grass, they gaze up to the stars while holding onto each other's hand.

The evening summer breeze blew gently, causing to leaves to rustle. Taylor immediately felt the cold breeze against her skin, causing her to snuggle closer to Karlie.

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