E m p t y

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She laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, mind's filled with a lot of unanswered questions. She closed her eyes as she listened intently to the sound of the rain pelting against the roof and the window pane. It's been months since she would have these kinds of sleepless nights. Nights where she ponders upon the emptiness that she's feeling inside.

"What am I missing?" She muttered under her breath as she pulled the duvet up to chest.

She couldn't help but think of what it is that's making her feel so empty. Was it because of Josh's absence? Or there's something more?

The emptiness that she's feeling made her yearn for something indefinable. She couldn't understand why she's feeling this way ever since she woke up at the hospital in London.

"Maybe, I'm just... Missing him..." She thought to herself as she sighed.

"Two more months and he'll come home. Everything's going to be okay." She whispered softly as she slowly drifted off to sleep.


"Babe..." A woman's voice softly whispered right next to her. Sparkling stars above the sky greeted her as she slowly flutter her eyes open. She found herself lying on a bed of lush green grass, everything that she sees is blurred, even the woman who's lying next to her, holding her hand.

Shifting to her side, she examined her face. Everything's blurred except for those blue eyes that remind her of the skies and the seas. Her heart raced as she looked deeply into them; they were glossy and translucent as they glimmer with the stars, the most beautiful eyes that she'd ever seen in her entire life. She thought she'd seen them somewhere as they were familiar, but she couldn't remember where, when or how.

Alone in what it appears vaguely to be a meadow. She looked at their hands, clasped tightly and fingers intertwined. She could feel it's familiar warmth, but the absence of its touch.

The woman snuggled closer to her as the cold evening wind blows gently over the grassy fields.

The woman asked her a question in which she could barely hear. She wanted to ask her to repeat her query but as she parts her lips, not a single word was spoken. She tried to stand up but not a single muscle would allow her to do what she will, she was paralyzed; unable to move, unable to speak.

They laid there in silence. Her heart felt calm yet her mind's in chaos. The only thing that she could do was to look at her as questions filled her mind. Does this woman holds the answers to her questions? Who is she? Why does she feel so comfortable with her?

Feeling the weight of her stare, the woman looked up to meet her gaze. Green meets blue, her heart falter and her mind went blank. The woman cupped her face and pressed her lips against hers, giving her a chaste and loving kiss. A familiar feeling that warms and fills the void inside her heart.

Gently breaking the kiss, the woman laid her head on her chest as they watched the sky. The darkness slowly gives way to the shade of the sun, from faint purple-violet to sunkist yellow, until their surroundings were basked in the light of a new day.


Sunlight seeps in through the lace white curtains, bathing Karlie's body in a soft, warm light. She slowly flutters her eyes open, squinting drowsily at the bright morning light. She rolls onto her side and stares at the alarm clock on the nightstand; 8:00A.M.

"The same dream... Again..." She thought to herself as she sighed. She pushed the duvet off from her and grabbed her phone from the nightstand before sitting up on the bed and resting her back against the headboard.

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