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Taylor's eyes widened in shock as a small gasp escaped from her delicate lips. Her hands were trembling upon hearing what Cara have just said. She didn't know if it's because of the excitement that she's feeling or if it's because of fear. The fear of Karlie telling her that she had already fallen out of love with her once they see each other again.

"Cara?" Taylor spoke softly, voice shaking. "W-- Where?"

"Awhile ago, I was driving towards the bar to meet Kendall and Lily, my car broke down at the middle of the street. I took a cab and the driver decided to take a detour since there's a massive traffic jam at the usual route and..."


"The driver took the route passing by Karlie's old apartment and I saw her there, I'm not sure if it's her but... It looks just like her."

Taylor sighed and closed her eyes for a while. She could feel her heart pounding inside her chest. Her emotions were in turmoil, whirling inside of her like a tornado. She couldn't wait to see Karlie. She couldn't wait to hold her once again in her arms, to caress her face as she look into those piercing green eyes and to pour all of her love as she kiss her soft, plump lips.

"Cara, would you mind if I ask you to accompany me to her old apartment? She said weakly as she covered herself with the duvet. The blue-eyed girl shifted to her side and stared outside of the window.

"Sure thing, we'll go there together after my shift. Tay, be strong okay? I'm sure that Karlie has a good reason for all of this. Trust me, I know Karlie like the back of my hand. Everything will be alright soon. Anyway, see you tomorrow, Tay." Cara said as she yawned, which made Taylor chuckle a bit.

"Thank you so much, Cara. See you tomorrow. Bye."

As the phone call ended, Taylor put her phone back on the nightstand and burrowed herself underneath the duvet. She looked out of the window once again and saw that the rain started pouring down fast and hard. A streak of sharp lightning ripped across the skies as the howling gales and the heavy downpours cut across the stillness of the night, serving as a prelude to an upcoming storm.

Taylor closed her eyes and listened intently to every raindrop that's pelting against the window pane. She started humming the lullaby that Karlie would usually hum to lull her to sleep whenever she's having a hard time to fall asleep. But as she hummed the gentle lullaby, a question kept on playing inside her mind.

Karlie, do you still love me?


It was mid-December when Karlie and Taylor went downtown to shop some Christmas gifts for their friends. The streets were covered in a blanket of snow and Christmas lights shines in different colors in every store that they're passing by.

"Are we there yet?" Karlie whined childishly. They've been walking for 2 hours and Karlie have already bought all of her friend's gifts but Taylor on the other hand, is still searching for the perfect gift for her mom.

While they were walking, Karlie grabbed Taylor's hand like it was the most natural thing to do. Taylor felt her heart flutter. Sure, she held hands with her ex-lovers but with Karlie's, it was different.

During those times, she could still remember the one hundred and one reasons that Karlie would give her everytime she catches Taylor looking at their entwined hands.

"I'm cold Taylor, warm my hand."

"There are too many people in this place, you could get lost you know. I know you'll cry."

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