Chapter 27 Waffles

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Hey guys! We are at one of the last chapters! Anyway, enjoy!
I woke to find the sun in my face. I groaned, and went to get off the couch, but I was stuck. I looked down and discovered a familiar blonde's arms wrapped around my waist.

I blushed, as I struggled to get out of his grasp. In my struggle I didn't realize that I woke up Ty. He sat on the couch's armrest, as he watched my try to wiggle out of Brice's arms.

"Help me!" I whisper-yelled at Ty, who only smirked at me. He crossed his arms and stared at me as I tried to wiggle out of Brice's grip. I successfully made it out, only to fall on my face.

I yelped in pain as I held my nose, while Brice shot up when he heard my yelp. His frizzy hair was spikier then usual, as he knelt down to help me.

He picked me up in his arms and brought me to the couch, as I continued to hold my nose. He sat me down on his lap cuddling me, as I attempted to use my hands to cover my blush.

"Aww, Look at Brice and Seto Solace," Ty said cooing at me as I felt my face grow hot.

"My last name is not Solace!" I yelled at him blushing.

"It will be," Ty smirked looking over at Brice, who now had a tomato red face. He quickly squeezed me and left me on the couch as he went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

I realized how much I missed him and his warmth, as I wrapped myself in blankets to conserve my warmth. I shivered, waiting for Brice to come back.

I walked into the kitchen to find Ty sitting at the table drinking hot chocolate. "You like him don't you," he said, not even looking at me.

"Well,  yeah," I replied sitting down across from him.

He stared at me, putting his cup down so I could see his whip cream beard and mustache. "Why don't you ask him?" He asked expressionless.

"I guess I'm just afraid," I replied once again, while nervously tapping on the table.

"Afraid of what?" He asked me, an eyebrow raised as he began to drink the cocoa again.

"Of being rejected," I replied one last time as I stared at the cream colored ceiling.

I heard a snort, then splattering as I looked at Ty. He was covered in hot chocolate, and was laughing hysterically.

"That's the most funniest thing I ever heard!" He laughed, while I still was very much confused.

"Brice look at me," Ty said as he stared into my eyes. "Seto won't reject you, he would marry you if you asked him!" He told me, while cleaning the mess he had made.

I looked over at Ty and he smiled back at me. "Just do it Brice," he said softly as he put the cup in the sink. I nodded.

"Let me just make breakfast first."

I woke to the smell of my favorite breakfast. I got off the couch and stretched, then I began to walk into the kitchen.

I found everyone sitting at the table chatting. I made my way towards the table, and sat down between Brice and Ty.

Brice seemed anxious. His face was red and sweaty, and his arm was slightly twitching.

"Thanks for the meal Brice," I said, as Brice looked at me blushing.

"How did you know it was me?" He asked, as I smiled.

"As far as I know, you are the only person that makes chocolate chip-gummy bear-marshmallow-and peanut butter-waffles." I laughed, making him smile.

"Well that's your favorite right?" He asked, smiling at me as I nodded.

"Brice I love any of the crazy food you create." I told him as I digged into my waffle.

I looked over at Brice who was blushing while eating his waffle. I smiled, catching his gaze as he winked at me. I blushed, and he wrapped his arm around me and hugged me.

I smiled, and he did to as we ate, his arm still around my waist.

-~•-~•-~•-~•Time skip•~-•~-•~-•~

When everyone had finished eating they had gone into the living room to play video games. I often heard cussing, and things being slammed.

I ignored it and continued with my dish washing. "Seto," I heard someone say my name, so I turned around.

"Seto come with me please," Brice begged me.

"Wait Brice I'm washing the dishes," I told him continuing.

As I went to grab the next dish, I felt arms my stomach. "No Brice I'm not finished!" I cried as I held onto the counter.

He rolled his eyes, as he easily picked me up. He threw on his shoulder, as I began to kick. "Brice put me down!"

"Never!" He cried, walking up the stairs. He walked into my room, threw me onto my bed, and went to lock the door.

I sat up on the bed, and crossed my arms as Brice sat next to me.

"What do you want?" I asked as he blushed, leaning towards me.

"I want you to be mine."
Hey everybody hope you enjoyed! I think the next chapter might be the last! If you enjoyed this book I will be making a sequel! Anyway see you next time my hamsters🐹!

❤️With lots of love❤️,

❤️With lots of love❤️,

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