Chapter 13 Operation Seto's Boyfriend

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Author note: I am so sorry!!! My cousin told me that my chapter 12 wasn't very good😔!!!I will try to make this one better!!!  (P.S. The picture is my puppers in the bath tub with a mustache rubber duckie on his head🐶!!!) I 💗 EM😋J📍S!!!
"Brice," I said, my cheeks a flaming red. Taylor, Mitch, and Ty just started laughing. "OMG Seto, you're so freaking adorable!" Taylor shouted wiping his eyes. "Seto you are so cute!!!" Mitch screamed at me, laughing harder. "Okay everybody calm down," Ty said. "Little Seto needs our help! We are gonna be his matchmakers!!!" Ty finished screaming.

"Please don't," I groaned. "Shut up Seto, we are getting you a boyfriend." Mitch said crossing his arms," just go with it." "Are you guys really planning about getting me a boyfriend, when we didn't even finish our game!" I yelled at them.

Ty looked at me his arms crossed," Seto this isn't really the time, but if you are gonna be a crybaby, I have a crush on Sky." I looked at Mitch. He sighed," I have a crush on Jerome." I looked at Taylor. He just looked right back at me. "TAYLOR!!!" I yelled. " Okay, Okay, Okay," he said waving his hands," I have a crush on Jordan."

" Why don't you just get boyfriends for each other?" I asked crossing my arms. They all looked at each other, then looked back at me. " Naa." They said in unison. " Why do you want to get ME a boyfriend?" I asked. " Cause' you're our little bro." Mitch said giving me a noogie.

I pushed him away. "Big brothers don't get their little brothers, a boyfriend." I said looking at them. Ty snorted, "Well what do you expect us to do? We can't get you a girlfriend, since your gay." "That's not what I meant," I said glaring at Ty. " Whatever. Anyway, how are we gonna get Brice to like him?" Ty asked Mitch, while he rubbed his pretend goatee.

"💡I got an idea💡!" Mitch squealed jumping up and down," let's give him a makeover! "That's a good idea!!!" Taylor squealed." Okay but first, Seto strip now." "W-What?" I asked. " You need to take off your boring old clothes so we can find new ones." Ty said rolling his eyes. " you will still have underwear on, unless you went commando. You didn't go commando did you?" Ty asked me.

I nodded my head. " Okay good, now stay here like a good boy while we get your clothes." Ty said following Mitch and Taylor into my room. When they left I sat on my couch and waited. And then I realized something. I can escape!!! I ran towards the window and was about to jump, when I heard Ty say something."

" Seto we got your cloth-, HE'S TRYING TO ESCAPE, GET HIM!!!" Ty screamed pointing at me. Before I could jump out the window, and go to my freedom, Mitch and Taylor tackled me. They dragged me on a couch, and Ty walked up to me. "Okay Seto here are your clothes, we are doing your hair tomorrow." Ty said as Mitch and Taylor giggled. " And we will be watching you at all times to make sure you wear them." Ty giggled. I groaned.

This was going to be a long day.
Hey my peoples! Hope you enjoyed!!! Just to let you know you will never guess what they got for Seto😏. But it is definitely going to make him cute😄!!! Anyway, as you had probably noticed I've been uploading slower. It's because of school, homework, soccer practice, etc. Anyway hope to see you next time!!!


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