Chapter 17 As Innocent As a Six Year Old

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I wiped my nose on my sleeve, as I watched Seto run out of the cafeteria sobbing. As I watched his little hamster tail shake as he ran, another bigger waterfall of blood came out my nose, and splattered on the floor, making where I stood a giant red puddle. Ty just glared at me, as I picked up my bloody lunch and tray.

"What?" I asked, now everyone at the table was staring at me. " Seto was totally fine until you came along and made THAT!" Ty yelled at me, pointing to the blood puddle I made. " What are you implying?" I asked harshly, slamming my lunch tray on the table.

Ty just glared at me harder.(If that's possible.) Taylor looked between Ty and I, and quickly spoke. "What my friend here is implying, is that you may have done something to Seto?" Taylor finished with a nervous smile. "I didn't do anything to him." I growled, putting both my hands on the table.

I liked Seto, I would never hurt him. Then Mitch raised his hands, motioning us to sit down. We sat down, and Mitch began, "okay everyone listen, I think I know what Brice did to Seto." I gritted my teeth as Ty smiled in amusement," Brice didn't do anything." Thank goodness. "If Brice didn't do anything, what is wrong with Seto?" Ty asked, looking at me.

"Well Ty-Ty," "don't call me that," "okay Ty-Ty, we all know Seto correct? We all know Seto is innocent right?(he used to be😏) " Ty interrupted Mitch, "How does this explain anything?" Ty asked Mitch. "Ty-Ty hold your horses, what I'm saying is, Seto probaly doesn't know what a nosebleed is. He probaly thinks HE did something to Brice." Mitch finished looking proud of himself.

"Yup that's the Seto I know," Ty agreed, "innocent as a six year old.""Well now that we got that settled," I began, "what are we going to do with the sobbing hamster in the bathroom?" "I'll get him." Jordan said standing up. "Seto is not gonna listen to Mitch, Ty, Taylor, etc. I'll just get back up if I need some."
Everyone one agreed Jordan was probably the best choice to go, and I would be back up. When Jordan left I saluted him like he was going to war. He just smiled and saluted me back. So long Jordan, I hope you live.
I walked out the cafeteria, and towards the boy's restroom. When I walked inside I noticed one stall was closed. The bathroom was empty, so I assumed Seto was in the stall. "Hey, Seto?" I asked, knocking on the stall. I stepped back as the stall opened, revealing a sad, red-eyed Seto.

"Hey Jordan." He said with a smile, wiping his eyes. "Seto you okay?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "No," he answered, as tears starting falling down his childish-face. "Seto calm down," I told him as he looked up at me. "Even though Brice doesn't mean you did something wrong. Sometimes people just get nose bleeds because of heat, or when they look at peoples' butts." I said whispering the last part. "What did you say?"

"It's nothing Seto, you didn't hurt Brice okay," I said to him, "he probably got a nosebleed because of the heat." Seto nodded and wiped up his remaining tears." Thanks Jordan," "no problem," I replied. He closed the door, and when he was done, he came out holding a neatly folded hamster costume.

"These were the back up clothes," he said as I looked at the outfit he was wearing. It was a purple hoodie with gray pants. I walked over to him and ruffled his hair, until it pleased me. "There, cute," I said looking at Seto's poofy looking hair.
He giggled and looked at me, "You are just like Taylor."

I blushed from being compared to my crush. "I'm guessing that is a compliment." I said to Seto. "Only because you have a crush on him." I gasped, how did Seto know? "I really just guessed, but I believe I am correct based on your reaction." He said as he skipped around the bathroom, repeatedly singing," Jordan and Taylor sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Immature as a six year-old, I thought. "Seto stop singing or else." I warned him. "Or else what?" He sassed, putting his hands on his hips. "Or else I'll tell everyone you have a crush on..on.." Who would Seto have a crush on? As I thought about this question, one name crossed my mind. Bingo. "Or else I'll tell everyone you have a crush on Brice." I guessed, hopefully looking at Seto.

He turned pale for a minute, then smiled. He began to walk towards the door. "Well played Jordan, well played," he said smiling at me, about to open the door. "Go get him tiger." I said to him, as his smile grew bigger.
"You too tiger." Then he disappeared from the room. I followed him into the cafeteria, and as we came closer, I thought of my plan. I'll get him.
Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed!!! I will try to add the picture and update soon!!! Hope to see next time Hammies!!!(don't worry I can't really see you😃!) Anyway bye!!!
Sincerely with h🐹mster L💜VE!!!


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