Chapter 15 Brice's Sketchbook

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Author note: Hey everybody!!! From now on I'm only going to put author notes if I need to!!! Hope you enjoy!!!
Anyway Enjoy!!!
I swung my backpack over my shoulder, and followed Mitch to the door. Before we left, I took a glance at the mirror. My chocolate brown eyes were filled with worry, from thinking about school. "HAMMY!!!" Mitch yelled at me from the doorway. I took a final glance at the mirror, then put my hamster face hood over my head, trying to hide my face.

I am going to die.
🚍🚍🚍Skip to Bus Stop🚍🚍🚍
I watched nervously as the bus pulled up to the curb, squeaking as it stopped. When the bus doors flew open, I ran onto the bus, snagging a window seat. When my friends sat next to me, and the bus doors slammed closed, I played with my hands, knowing that Brice's stop was next.

I felt someone rubbing my back, and I looked up at Taylor. "It's going to be okay, if it makes you feel better, you look freaking adorable." I smiled at Taylor, knowing he was trying not to cuss. But, my smile faded as the bus stopped moving, and I heard the bus doors fly open again, and saw the tips of beautifully golden hair.

As Brice walked down the aisle, I pulled the hood farther down, so it covered my face more, then I hid behind Taylor. Brice looked at me, and I cringed, but he just looked away, and took the seat behind me.

I sighed in relief, as the bus started moving again. Then I laid my head on my arm, and stared out the window. My eyelids started to grow heavy, as I fell asleep, comforted by the fluffy material of my hamster suit.

I slumped down in my seat, staring out the window in boredom. I opened my backpack, and searched through it, until my fingers found a familiar worn leather book. I brought it out of my backpack and hugged it. It was brown leather book, with a purple and golden rose on the cover, and the rose was surrounded by a glowing purple and golden aura.

I opened my sketchbook, flipping through the pages until I found a clear one, next to a drawing of me, Sky, and Jerome taking a selfie. I started drawing as I stared out the window. I didn't know what I was drawing I just was drawing. Art came natural to me, I could do it in my sleep!

As I glanced down at my book I groaned. I had drawn a detailed picture of Seto. It was so realistic, you would think it was a photo. As I started looking more at the drawing, I started to feel butterflies in my stomach, and a derpy smile came onto my face.

When I realized what was happening, I slapped my face, slammed my sketchbook shut and stuffed it in my backpack. And then I slapped my face again.

Stupid mind.
Hope you enjoyed!!! I just realized how long this story will be. I'm sorry if this gets really long. Anyway see you next time!!!


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