Chapter 21 Merome Interrupted AGAIN!

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Author's note: Don't kill me!!! Yes I finally remembered what Wattpad was!!! Anyway enjoy!!
I smiled, feeling content in Jerome's arms. He played with my hair, softly running his hands through it. I sighed, trying to bury my face deeper in his shirt.

  "Mitch will you be my-," Jerome started asking me something, but then someone ran in interrupting him.

"MITCH!!!" Ty ran into stall, his neon green headphones dangling from his neck. He panted and bent over to catch his breath.

I slowly took my head out of Jerome's chest unwillingly. "What do you want?" I asked sleepily, as Jerome kept his arms around me tight, causing me to fall asleep a little.

Ty snapped his fingers in my face, then he took my face in his hands, pulling me away from Jerome. "You can hug your boyfriend later, I've got news!!!"

"What news?" I asked, trying to keep my eyes open.


"Kay, what's Merome?" I asked, now fully awake.

"Merome is the ship name we made for you and Jerome." Ty informed me, "now hurry we have to make the bus!!"

"I don't think I can move", I said sleepily rubbing my eyes.

"I got it", Jerome said lifting me up and putting me on his back. I held onto his neck, and he grabbed my legs.

"I'm gonna slee-."
*Mitch passes out*
I smile as Mitch falls asleep and cuddles his head on my shoulder. I kiss his forehead, and follow Ty as he runs out of the bathroom, punching his fist in direction he was running. (You know what I mean right?)

As Ty and I made it out of the building and onto the grass, I started sprinting as Ty began to speed up. We barely made it on the bus, as the doors closed behind us.

I panted, to catch my breath, as I followed Ty to the back of the bus. All our friends were sitting in the back in these pairs: Taylor and Jordan(they had come back after several hours.), Seto and Brice, Sky and now Ty, and me and Mitch.

I sat Mitch on the window seat and sat next to him. As the bus pulled away from the curb, I played with Mitch's hair as he "purred" in content.

When the bus turned Mitch slid to the left, into my side. He cuddled his face in my chest, and smiled in his sleep.

While he slept I had one question, "What do these crazy hooligans have planned for the sleepover?
I did it!!! Finally in a month I finished a chapter!!! I hope you enjoyed!!! I thought it was pretty cute!!! Until we meet again,

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