Chapter 11 There is a fine line between Love and Hate

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Author note: Oh Mee Geesh!!! Thank u to everyone who has viewed this story and/or voted!!! If you are reading this I L💖VE U!!! Anyway enjoy!!!(P.S. If it doesn't make sense it is auto correct.)
I silently at my lunch, taking glances at Jordan, who was doing the same as me. Whenever we made eye contact I glared at him. Since kindergarten Jordan and I have hated each other. He threw a toy train at me and we started fighting. It's been the same ever since.

As soon as the bell rang, We stood up and walked with our friends to Mr.Brotato's classroom.
🏫🏫🏫🏫Skip to Class🏫🏫🏫🏫
As I sat at my table with Seto, Mitch, and Ty, the teacher came in. As usual he told us to shut up, then told us it was time to go to P.E. Half the classroom cheered, which was the athletic half. I personally did not cheer. I'm sort of athletic, but not really, I really just wanted to go home, I was tired of school.

As we walked to the gymnasium(?), I talked with Mitch."Okay everyone we are here!" Our teacher shouted at everyone. You could tell he was happy by the joy in his voice. Mr.Brotato enjoyed P.E. because he dates the gym teacher. So as everyone headed towards the locker room to get changed, we ignored them making out in the center of the gym.

When I reached my locker I changed as quickly as possible, since I did not like to change in front of people. When everyone had finished changing, we lined outside, so Mr.Universe could tell us what we were doing. (#MunchingUniverse🌈!)

"Listen everyone shut up!" Coach Universe said. Same as his boyfriend, I thought as he yelled. After he announced we were doing dodgeball he split us into two teams. And then we started. It was actually pretty fun! I got a couple of people out, and my team won first round.

And then second round began. I was like a machine gun, I took out seventy-five percent(75%) of the other team. But, as I was about to throw another ball, Jordan threw a really fast and hard one at my hand. I tried to catch it, but I missed, and it hit my wrist, bending it the wrong way. I fell to the floor holding my wrist, rubbing it trying to take the pain away.

I looked across the room at Jordan who was smirking at me. When I heard a whistle, my eyes directed me to Coach Universe. "Taylor you are excused to the locker room, and Jordan you may go with him, and bandage his wrist." After Coach had finished speaking, I started walking to the locker room, with Jordan following. As I passed Seto, Mitch, and Ty, I weakly smiled and gave them a thumbs up. I'm going to be okay.

👕👕👕Skip To Locker Room👕👕👕
I sat down on the bench in front of my locker, rubbing my hand. Jordan sat down facing me. " Why did you do that?" I questioned, holding back tears. " Because you hate me." Jordan said honestly. " Why do you hate me?" He asked me.

"You're the one who started it by throwing a train at me in kindergarten."After thinking about what I said he stood up.

"Oh it's that huh? To be honest I only did that because I liked you."He said to me, while he noogied(?) me. "Now let's get you bandaged up Squirt." Jordan said moving to the first aid drawer not disturbed by what just happened. I just blushed and gave him my arm to bandage.

🕛🕐Time Skip to after School🕑🕒
I walked down the hallway with Mitch, Seto, and Ty. While they chatted I looked in front of me staring at the everlasting hallway to the door. I heard talking behind me so I turned around. I saw Brice, Jerome, and Sky talking, with Jordan looking straight ahead. When he met my eyes he winked at me and I blushed, I tried to say something, but Seto, who was on my left grabbed my arm and squealed."Taylor we have an idea!" He squeaked, whispering something in my ear. Well this can't be so bad, I thought texting my parents what Seto had told me.
Hey everyone hope you enjoyed! If you are wondering what Seto was so excited about, it is not hard to guess what it is!
Anyway, See you later🐊s!


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