Chapter 9 You're weird

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Author note: I'm sorry but I couldn't draw today so I just used a picture of my dog wearing headphones since this going to be a Deadlox chapter. Anyway enjoy!
I looked at Mitch who was out of breath  as he looked up at Jerome smiling. I then looked at Seto who had a smirk of amusement on his face. " Excuse me Mitch, but staring isn't polite." I said smirking. Mitch face turned even redder as he looked away from Jerome so fast that he ended falling on his face. Jerome went to help him up but I waved him off.

While Mitch got up, I checked the clock. "Guys it's 5:30, meeting's over." I said. We walked out of the room, and Seto locked the door. We walked together to the bus stop and said goodbye to Taylor and Jordan who had to go to the bike racks.

As I got on the bus I sat next to Mitch and Seto while, Sky, Jerome, and Brice sat behind us. During the bus ride I started falling asleep, but when I heard giggling I woke up. Mitch and Seto were looking over the seat at sleeping Sky, Jerome, and Brice.

They had been taking pictures. I giggled with them, then I snorted from giggling so hard. They woke up and we ducked back into our seats. They looked at us, but we pretended that we were sleeping.
🏠🏠🏠Skip to Bedtime🏠🏠🏠
I wiped my mouth after dinner, putting my dish in the sink, running up the stairs. I ran into my bathroom brushing my teeth then washing my mouth. After I finished I ran into my room and jumped on the bed instantly falling asleep.
I woke up slamming my fist on my alarm clock waiting for pieces of plastic to hit my face. When nothing happened I glanced down at my fist, noticing it was wrapped with bubble wrap. Smart Mom. I thought unwrapping my fist.
🏫🏫🏫🏫Skip to School🏫🏫🏫🏫
I walked with Seto and Mitch into the classroom, as the bell rang. We greeted Taylor, then sat down  waiting for our usually late teacher. As he came into our room he took roll and began talking about something to do Geography. This is going to be a long day, I thought resting my head on my hand.
🍕🍔🍟Skip to Lunch🍟🍔🍕
I handed the lunch lady the money for my food as  I glanced around the cafeteria. I grabbed my tray as I spotted Seto and Mitch eating at our club table with the rest of the members.

"Hey," I said sitting next to Mitch. I took a glimpse at Mitch's tray and wasn't surprised that every item on it had cheese in it. "Mitch dood you like cheese?" Jerome asked Mitch. "If so take THIS!"Jerome yelled grabbing the boy who was sitting on the left of him and stuffed his face in his armpit.

After Jerome let Mitch go, Mitch held his nose. " Ew what was that?" Mitch asked Jerome. " Parmesan Deodorant." We all laughed, and the boy next to me had an annoying laugh. "Your laugh is weird." I told him. " No, it's just special."
I hoped you enjoyed. The next chapter will be Deadlox too! Anyway bye!

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