Chapter 16 Bricey Wicey's Crush

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Author note: HEY GUYS!!! I am so sorry about how slow I updated, I will try to update faster!!! Anyway, Thanks for reading, and ENJ😎Y!!!!(srry bout the picture!!!)
I watched my blonde-haired best friend in amusement, as he repeatedly slapped his face. I looked at him raising my eyebrows, and crossing my arms, and I wanted for him to look my way.
After a while he looked towards me.

"Brice what's wrong?" I asked looking at him."I don't know," he said looking out the window.
I thought as I looked out the window at trees and joggers. I really didn't know what was wrong with me, if there really was something wrong with me. I guess I like Seto, I just need to accept it. But I can't accept it, when I know he will never like me back. I looked out the window and sighed.

I like Seto.
I woke up when I heard the bus crawl to a stop. I smiled then dashed out the door. I sprinted as fast as I could go, (which isn't very fast,) and I eventually made it to my location. Homeroom. I smiled, and opened the door, and walked into the room with my eyes closed. (I am so sorry before I write this.)

When I opened my eyes, my mouth opened in shock. Mr.Brotato and Coach Universe, were making out in front of me. They stopped, and looked at me. I quickly decided what I needed to do. I ran out of the classroom screaming." MY INNOCENCE!!!" And I ran away from the classroom, not knowing where I was going. I'll go find Mitch and Ty.
I thought as I ran towards them, spotting them in the school hallway.

🍕🍔🍝Time Skip to Lunch🍝🍔🍕
As the lunch bell rang, I just realized what I had to do. Brice and his friends sit with Taylor, Mitch, Ty, and me at lunch. I started to freak out. Brice saw me during class, but he just thought I was a new student, what was I suppose to do?

I walked to my locker taking my lunch out, and silently I walked to the cafeteria. I was scared out of my mind. How would Brice react? I walked across the cafe, and sat at a lunch table alone.

" Hey Dood!!!" I heard Mitch say, as he walked over with Taylor and Ty. I smiled happy to have company. I started talking with Mitch as he ate his grilled cheese and macaroni, and I felt better. Eventually everyone was here except for Brice. And Jerome, Sky, and Jordan, accepted the fact that I was in a hamster suit.

And then I saw Brice walking toward us. I avoided eye contact and tried to become as small as possible. But, I couldn't help it. I looked up at Brice who was standing across the table, and was about to take a seat when he saw me. "Is tha-a-at Se-e-to?" Brice asked pointing at me. I nodded nervously.

Brice dropped his tray. I opened my mouth in shock, and shut it, tears starting to form in my eyes. Brice kept looking at me, his mouth opened in shock. I fought back tears as he looked at me not saying anything. When blood starting dripping out his nose, I let it loose. "I'm sorry Brice," I said as I sobbed and ran out the cafeteria, with only one thought on my mind.

I hurt Brice.
Hey everyone!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!
I will try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible!!! Anyway, See you next time Hammies!!!


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