Minamisawa x reader

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Minamisawa Atsushi. His name rolled off her tongue. It brought a jolt of electricity to the girl whenever she even thought of it. Maybe it was his hair or his eyes. Whatever it was, this fangirl couldn't get enough of it. She'd often watch him during practice in secret. Whenever he'd fall she'd unconsciously rub that area of her body hoping to relieve some of the pain he might be feeling. She was his personal cheerleader everywhere he went. The only problem is she was competing with the other girls in the school. Good luck winning that race.

Today (y/n) couldn't stay to watch practice today as she was late for her job. Her family wasn't rich but they aren't poor either they had enough to get by.

"You're late (l/n)."

"I know and I'm sorry. It took a while before my teacher would let me out of class today." She quickly ran to her locker to change into her uniform. "It won't happen again."

"It's fine. School comes first but do try to be on time."

"Yes sir. Thank you." (Y/n) quickly bowed and ran out to start waiting on her tables.

Business was rather slow today and the small cafe had more workers than necessary today. Coming close to the end of her shift the bells above the door rang and the entire Gassan Kunimitsu soccer club walked in. The team took two tables with one being (y/n)'s table. (Y/n) sighed and quickly put a smile on her face and walked to her table. "Good afternoon gentlemen. May I take your orders?"

"Yeah can I get an Iced Tea please?"

(Y/n) looked at the owner of the voice and almost dropped her notepad and pen. Her long time crush Minamisawa sat before her with the most adorable smile she had ever seen. She quickly took everyone's orders and sent them to the kitchen. From a far she watched Minamisawa interact with his friends and smile with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"So that's who you have a crush on." (Y/n) quickly snapped out of her trance to find one of her coworkers, Tracy, grinning at her. "Judging by your position you're staring at the purple haired boy aren't you?" The blush on (y/n)'s face worsened and the room started to spin around her. "So I am right. He's pretty cute actually. Nice pick."

"Ha. As if. He's the one person I  have no chance at all with. He's famous in our school and I'm just one of his fangirls."

"Aw honey you just need the right push. Leave that up to me." The smile on Tracy's face meant nothing good could come out of this. "Now here are their drinks." (Y/n) skillfully balanced the heavy drinks on her tray and walked out to her table. On her way there her foot caught on one of the chairs belonging to the other table and (y/n) fell face first.

"Ow. I'm sorry about that did anyone get hurt?" (Y/n) struggled to get up.

"Let me help you out." A warm hand gently pulled her up on her feet and held her around the waist to keep her steady. "You should be more careful mmm (y/n)-chan." (Y/n) looked up into a slightly familiar set of red eyes.

"Yeah I'm sorry. Thanks for the help." (Y/n) stared at Hyoudou who was looking at her like a wolf looks at it's prey. "Um...you can let go now. I have to get back to work."

"What's the rush? We were just talking." Hyoudou managed to push her against one of the empty tables and hold her in place.

"Umm w-what are you doing?" (Y/n) looked at him with fear etched on her face.

"Nothing you won't enjoy. Now stop resisting me." Hyoudou leaned down and licked her cheek. "With everyone watching us it's kinda embarrassing. Why don't we go somewhere with more privacy?"

"No I don't wanna. Please let me go." (Y/n) closed her eyes tightly fearing the worst. Why isn't the rest of the team helping? Did they plan this? Is this it for her. Before she could process what was happening Hyoudou's grip tightened on her waist before it disappeared all together. (Y/n) opened her eyes and found him laying on the floor holding his jaw and Minamisawa beside her rubbing his hand. She sighed and fell to her knees trembling.

"You always take it too far Hyoudou. You had her terrified. You ok?" Minamisawa helped her back to her feet. "I'm sorry he did that. Normally he has more self control than that."

"I-I'm fine. Are you ok?" (Y/n) tried to bite down the blush rising on her cheeks.

"Well I wasn't the one being harassed so I'd say I'm pretty good. Good to know you're ok. Here's your phone you dropped." (Y/n) took her phone from him and smiled.

"I'd love to continue this conversation but I have to get back to work now." Minamisawa smiled and pat her head.

"Hey it's fine. We have to go now anyway. See you around." Minamisawa waved at (y/n) before leaving the small cafe with the rest of the soccer team.

(Y/n) touched her chest where her heart was hoping to calm it down. She giggled to herself a little promising herself she'd never let anyone touch her phone ever again. While checking it for damages she noticed a message come in and checked it.

"Oh my gosh! I have a date with Minamisawa tomorrow!"

Sorry -_Simply_A_Fangirl_- that this one was so bad. I was falling asleep when I started it and this was born.

Assisted by WwarorKittyxD and Crash298 with the ending. Had writers block sorry. Remember to vote comment and request.

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