Gazel x reader Nuts

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Inspired by my mind having a really good thought for once.

Remember to vote, and request.


It was date night and your husband Suzuno was planning a really big one. He left the house that afternoon saying he would pick you up at eight. It is now seven forty and you are finishing up your look. Before you knew it, it was already eight and Suzuno was outside knocking on the door.

As you answered the door you saw Suzuno standing in front of you looking as nervous as he did when you guys were dating in Junior High.

"You look as if you were expecting my dad again."

"So glad those days are over." Suzuno sweat dropped. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah let me just get my purse."

After grabbing your purse and locking up the house. You and your husband were in your (car of your choice) cruising down the street.

"Do you want to tell me where we're going now?"

"Nope. That reminds me, put this on." Without breaking his focus on the road Suzuno gave you a blindfold.

You looked at him suspiciously but did as he said anyway.

"You better not be kidnapping me to take me on another 'fabulous vacation'".

His shoulders shook as he chuckled and he pats your head for reassurance. Before long you feel the car stop and the engine turn off. Before you can get too comfy you feel your door open and a hand guiding you out of the car. Thankfully for you it wasn't a long walk since you were pretty much blind in heels. As you sat down you could hear shuffling around you.

"OK (y/n) go ahead and take it off."

You slowly took off the blindfold and found yourself in Botequim the first restaurant you guys went to in Junior High.

"Ohh Suzuno this is so sweet. But where is everybody else?"

"It's just us tonight. I rented out the place for us for the rest of the night."

You looked at the man sitting across from you with a look he hasn't seen before.

"What's wrong with your face? Bathroom?"

"No I'm just trying not to cry." You rolled your eyes but still smiled softly at him.

A waiter appeared next to both of you and placed a plate before you and another plate before Suzuno. You laughed at what was on both plates a thrilling sound to your husband.

"Are we reliving our first date? This is what I has when we first came here. (Flavor) soda as well."

"Maybe we are maybe we aren't but of course I'm not telling you."

Time skip to dessert

You were laughing and deep in conversation with Suzuno when the waiter brings some cookies to you guys. Without checking the former team captain took up a cookie and ate it. After the first bite he scrunched his eyebrows together before his eyes widened and he gripped onto his throat gasping for air.

"Fuusuke?! What's wrong?! Somebody call an ambulance!"

You could barely make out him saying EpiPen. You quickly searched his pockets for his auto injector. After finding and using it his breathing calmed down but he was still breathing hard as well as covered in a pretty bad rash. At that moment the paramedics walked in with a gurney and approached both of you.

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