Goenji x reader Differences

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Bella: Goenji it's your turn.

Goenji: I'll do everything in my power to please her.


Goenji Shuuya has been your neighbor for as long as you can remember. There was a closet that connected both your rooms but you didn't tell your parents. Both of your parents were always confused when you'd appear in each other's houses but never said anything.

You were sitting on your bed studying while music was playing in the background. You started to jump around when your favorite song started playing. You were really getting into it and using your brush as a mic. From the corner of your eye you could swear you saw blonde hair but you shrugged it off and continued having fun. At the second chorus you heard a small chuckle behind you and spun around to find Goenji behind you. You're happy expression changed to a mortified one as you struck a 'normal' pose.

"How long were you standing there and how much did you see?" You could feel your cheeks preparing for his answer.

"I got here two songs ago so I saw up until you stopped. By the way try not to fart while I'm here. The first one was pretty bad." You grabbed you pillow and threw it at him while screaming.

"You're horrible!"

"Thank you. I try."

"Why are you here? You know tonight is a study night for me."

His smile faded and a serious atmosphere filled the room.

"I just got off the phone with Mikari(random name). She's mad at me because of a joke."

"This has been going on for months now Shuuya-kun. I don't know why you guys are still together if things are so rocky now." He looked at you with an unreadable expression. "Sorry that came out wrong."

"It's alright. If you were in my shoes I'd say the same thing." A sad smile appeared on his face before he looked at you again. "Oh come on (f/n)-Chan I told you not to fart again."

Your eyes widened and you threw another pillow at him while he ran back to his room.

"Things wouldn't be like that if you were with me Shuuya."

With Goenji

"Maybe I made a mistake choosing Mikari instead of (f/n)-Chan."

The next day

You were walking to school with Goenji.

"I already told you I didn't fart."

"And I'm telling you that I walked in at the same moment you let it. I almost died because of the smell."

Before both of you could walk through the gate Goenji's girlfriend Mikari walked up to him and dragged him away. Before they could get too far she pulled him into her and started a make out session with him. You walked away before you could see any more.

Time Skip to the Football Stadium (sorry about that you guys have a game)

Raimon was having a practice match against Zeus Jr High. The game was in it's last two minutes with the score being 3-3. Goenji got the ball to Zeus's goal and scored the winning point with Fire Tornado. The stands went wild with cheers for Raimon and the managers including you and Mikari ran over to congratulate the team. Goenji opened his arms to catch Mikari buy she ran past him straight into the arms of one of the Zeus players.(Not Aphrodi). Goenji approached them to get answers but before he could say one word Mikari answered the question on everyone's minds.

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