Kishibe x oc Never Knew I Needed

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Before anyone gets excited no I am not back. I've just had this idea in my head for a while and have wanted to finish it for a while so why not. Requested by yours truly 😊

'What am I doing here? This isn't my type of scene. I should go home before Saiku realizes I'm here.'

The girl stuck her head behind a corner and checked her surroundings before making a quick dash for the exit. The band was ending their current song. There was going to be a brief intermission after this song so it was now or never. Just a few more steps and she would taste freedom.

"Bella there you are! The concert is this way silly. If you wanted a snack the snack stand is this way." So close yet so far.

"May I please go home? I want to be here much less than you do right now." Bella sighed.

"Sure. At the end when it's over. But I spent way too much on these tickets for you to go home early this time. I even got us backstage passes. We get the whole experience." Saiku clapped and dragged her friend back to their seats.

End of Concert

"See that wasn't so bad now was it? We even get to meet the band." Saiku cheered much to her friend's annoyance.

"I don't even know who these guys are. I'm only here because of you." Bella crossed her arms and turned toward the exit only to be dragged toward the back stage area.

Bella wondered around backstage having been separated when her friend ran away from her to meet the band. She wondered a bit getting herself a little lost. It had been a few minutes since she was wondering around aimlessly before deciding to try the next door that came into her sight. The door opened smoothly and she let herself in.

"Great Sosuke is that you? A little help please?" Blue met brown and eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Who are you? And how did you get in here?"

"Sorry I got separated from my friend and ended up lost. I was just trying to find my way out of here." Bella scratched her cheek nervously trying not to stare at the half naked man in front of her.

"Ohh you're a fan. Well what do you want an autograph? A picture? What?"

"I want to know how to get out of here. Is that a crime?"

"That's it? Do you even know who it is you're talking to?"

"No and I really don't care to know either. Just tell me how to get out of here or don't. Either way I'm not staying much longer."

"Do you sing?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Bella stomped her foot clearly getting upset with the situation.

The mysterious man smiled at her and shrugged, "Your voice just sounds so beautiful when you speak."

"Right then. You have a good night and I'll see you never."

"Taiga. Kishibe Taiga."


"My name is Kishibe Taiga. Nice to meet you." Kishibe held out a hand for Bella to shake and she eyed him suspiciously.

"Right then. You have fun with whatever you were doing earlier Kishibe. I'm still leaving. Enjoy your life."

"You intrigue me lady with no name. I'd love to get to know you some more if you don't mind." Kishibe took the back of her hand and kissed it.

"I do have a name you creep and don't touch me. I don't know you! For all I know you could be a kidnapper who just wants to sell me on the black market. How do I know you're legit?" Bella raised an eyebrow at him questioning him.

Kishibe laughed and stood straight wincing a bit when he did. "You came to the show tonight and you don't know who you watched perform? Do you even know what goes on around you?"

Bella glared at him and scoffed, "Don't act like you're better than me. I said I didn't care who you are earlier and that hasn't changed now. What's wrong with your back?"

"What was that?"

"You heard me. You looked like you were pain a second ago. Did you hurt something?" Bella glanced at him then looked back down at the floor.

"Why do you want to know? I thought you didn't care about me or what goes on with me and my life."

"Shut up and answer me."

"Aren't you a breath of fresh air. If you must know my back hurts from the constant lifting I have to do. Then I go on stage and ensure that the fans are happy and maybe hurt myself some more."

"Why don't you take a break until you feel better?" The girl pouted feeling a little of his pain.

"I can't. We wouldn't be where we are now if it wasn't for our fans. I'd do anything to make sure they're happy."

"Idiot. That doesn't mean injure yourself more in the process. Think of what happens if you permanently damage yourself. You'd let your fans down if they couldn't see you up on stage performing. Everyone loves when people are real and truthful to them. Don't pretend to be someone you're not. If you're in pain then let them know. I'm sure your fans wouldn't mind you taking one or two days off so you can rest." Bella placed a hand on his hand that had been wrapped around a tube this whole time and pried it away from him. "Turn around. I'll do this for you."

Kishibe turned around and tensed up as soon as her cold hands touched his back but relaxed when she gave him a small back rub. "Why are you doing this? I thought you didn't like me."

"I don't but you're still a person with feelings. It wouldn't be nice if I insult you at a time like this. How does it feel now?" Bella stepped back a little and looked over his back.

"It feels much better now honestly. Thank you so much. Let's try this again. I'm Kishibe Taiga. I'm in a band with three of my best friends and I love reading comic books and manga late at night. It's really nice to meet you ma'am." Kishibe smiled at Bella who was looking him over confused.

"This is different. What changed you? Bella smiled a little.

"Your speech on being real with other people so that they like you for who you are really moved me. So why not charm you with who I really am. I'm a nerd who loves to stay in late and read on a Friday rather than going to a party. Hopefully this doesn't scare you away now." Kishibe scratched the back of his head with a small tint of color dusting his face.

"No that was nice to know. I'm Bella Lidashi and I love books as well. If you haven't eaten yet I know a nice restaurant not too far from here. My treat." Bella smiled.

"Lead the way princess. Your humble servant will follow where you may go. But let me change first so I'm not too obvious."

Bella watched the boy as he went to find a different outfit to wear while smiling to herself. 'Maybe concerts aren't so bad. I'll have to see when tickets for the next show go on sale.'


Thank you for reading everybody. I want to give a big thank you to everyone who have been with this book since day one. I cannot express how grateful I am for all of you. As mentioned in the story I really do bend all sorts of ways to make you guys happy so I might just return to this account. If I do return there is a possibility that I might continue one or two of my books. Don't get excited now it's not a guarantee it's a possibility. But thank you all again and this has really made my day you have idea.

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