Kishibe x reader Fever

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You felt that familiar tickling sensation in your nose indicating that it was running again. You groaned as a sneeze left your mouth intensifying the pain in your head. Your throat burned, your limbs and joints ached. Normal people would stay home when they feel like this but let's face you're not normal. Your duties to your studies as well as your soccer club activities.

"Good morning (y/n)."

The voice was so energetic making you feel even more drained. You could barely talk with your throat in this condition so you gave the person a groan in response. Your breathing was heavy and your vision blurred a bit but that wouldn't stop you the soccer club and your academics come first.

You finally made it to the clubroom and immediately laid down on a bench in the dressing room. Sweat was pouring off you instantly soaking the bench beneath you. If your legs weren't so weak then you would move to a different bench.

"(Y/n) is that you?"

Your (e/c) eyes now bloodshot moved over to the door where your purple hair boyfriend stood staring at you in amusement.

"Shut it Taiga I don't want to hear it." Your voice was now barely above a whisper.

"OK I won't say that I'm right and that you should've gone to bed instead of staying up so late to study. You stress yourself out with all the studying you do, not to mention the work you do here in the soccer club. It's time you take a break. The school year just started last year. Take it easy." With his words of 'wisdom' he gently pulled you onto his lap and put your head on his chest as he stroked your hair.

You were starting to fall asleep on him when your stomach made a strange sound.


Too late. Poor Kishibe.

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