Hakuryuu x reader The Song part 2

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The first part of this will be in Hakuryuu's POV then it'll change to thrid person POV.

Warning: This will be a bit sad.

Hope you enjoy it animes0702.

What the hell did you do to him? He was this strong cool as a cucumber leader but whenever he's around you he turns into a big pile of mush. Just what type of spell have you cast on him? He entered his room and slid down the door after he closed it. He looked into the mirror across from him but instead of seeing the reflection he had grown use to he saw a younger version of himself.

"Hakuryuu why have you forgotten me?" His younger version's voice would plague him every night he went to sleep. Most of the time he wouldn't sleep afraid he would hear it.

"Hakuryuu why have you forgotten me? I thought we would be together forever." The voice got louder with every word until it consumed him.

He looked around and noticed that he wasn't in his room in God Eden anymore, he was somewhere he never wanted to see ever again. He could make out a younger him sitting in the corner of his room hiding his head in his knees. He stood before himself when the sounds came back. He could hear glass breaking on the first floor, people yelling at each other and the faint sound of a scream reacting to a particularly harsh slap. He hadn't realized it but the younger him had disappeared and was replaced by his current self. He looked up and saw his mother's slightly bleeding and swelling face in front of him again. He grabbed the same hand that reached for his years ago feeling a warmth he hasn't felt in years. This feeling reminded him of you touch. You made him feel safe no matter what you did. He saw his younger self in his mother's arms as she ran out the house with his father 'passed out on the couch'. She didn't make it far before a loud explosion was heard and she fell face first on top of him. Hakuryuu stayed under her fearing he might share the same fate she did.

The memory didn't make it far when he began to feel constricted. The colors mixed together before brightening to reveal his first day at God Eden. He was three years older than when he lost his mother and part of his sanity. He saw his frightened self trying to hide from his instructors. Before long they found and made him go through the grueling training course. He would always cry when he'd finish but they always sent him in again to 'toughen' him up. When he would get to his room his legs would give out forcing him to cry himself to sleep on the floor. When he woke up his wounds would burn from the dirt on the floor mixing with the salt in his sweat.

When he had gotten use to the first training course they moved him onto private room training and every night he would pray to go back to the training course. In the private room the would beat him senseless with different size objects trying to draw out the 'power' that was laying dormant in him. No matter how much he begged them to stop they wouldn't. One time they beat him to the point he passed out. He eventually woke up in a strange room and found himself hooked up to a weird machine. When the machine was on it would feel like his insides were being pulled out of him. No amount of screaming and thrashing he did could help his case. Eventually they stopped when a dragon sprouted from in him. The beast frightened even him but the scientists working on him seemed proud of what they had done. When the dragon finally went away he fell to the earth losing consciousness again. This time in his comatose state he could hear his mother's voice calling out to him.

"Hakuryuu. Stay strong baby. Mommy loves you."

Those words alone were enough to push him to see through this torture he was going through. He faced each day with newfound strength. His expression changed to the stoic one we're familiar with today. He had built up the perfect defense around himself nothing could hurt him ever again. Then you came along.

The constricting feeling returned once again but this time it revealed the day he met you. He was supposed to supervise you while you were on the training course. His job seemed fairly easy until you spoke to him for the first time. After that day he walked back to his room fuming. He would've destroyed it had it not been for Shuu to calm him down. The next day he made up his mind to ignore you completely. You pestered him until he yelled at you but instead of crying like most girls would you tilted your head and laughed at him poking him in the side. Thus Hakuryuu's ticklish side was revealed.

Eventually you graduated the training course and moved on. Hakuryuu was a little down thafvhe probably wouldn't see you ever again but he didn't let it get to him. Later on in the week while on his way to his room he was nearly knocked off his feet by a foreign object flying into him. He looked down and saw your face pressed into him with sob shaking your tiny and now frail form. From that day he vowed to protect the smile he grew to love. The next day he put in a good word for you and they eventually stopped putting you through what he had gone through. He got you on his team and you managed to pull out your avatar. Though he didn't show it Hakuryuu was very proud of you.

The constricting feeling returned once again but this time he felt someone shaking him. A comforting warm hand was on his back. He opened his eyes and peered into your worried face. When did you get into his room?

"Hakuryuu are you ok? I heard you screaming and you wouldn't answer the door so I walked in and I saw you curled up on the floor. What happened?"

It took him a while to process what you had said to him. The memories came rushing back to him and his youner self's voice came back to him. He was breaking down again but this time you were there to hold him and comfort him. You held him tightly surprised by his behavior. When he calmed down he told you everything that happened. Your heart went out to him. You wrapped him in another embrace silently crying with him. Both of you sat down on the floor with Hakuryuu's head resting on you. At a point when you believe he fell asleep you kissed his forehead and shared your biggest secret with him. Hakuryuu stared up at you with a very straight face. You looked down at him and saw him looking at you. His straight face changed to annoyed expression and he bit you on you collar bone.

"I'm having a moment here (f/n) respect that will you."

You chuckled and tucked his head back under your chin.

"Love you too Hakuryuu."


Hakuryuu: Congrats you did a second part. Now stop writing stories about me.

Bella: No promises 😋😋. Remember to vote, comment and leave your request.

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