Kishibe x reader

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(Y/n)'s POV

"You only have one life and it's time you start taking risks."

"But what if I take a risk and end up crashing and burning? Like you said I only have one life and I don't want any sad memories in it."

"How do you know this one will be sad? What if it's a happy memory and you end up missing out?"

"If It is a happy memory waiting to happen then why did it take so many years? My friend at school got a boyfriend the same day she met him so what if he's not the one for me?"

"Come on (y/n) stop making excuses. Just talk to him and if he does let you down then I'm right here for you. I promise." With those final words (f/n) pushed me in the direction of the boy we were just discussing.

"Hey (y/n). Need something?" Kishibe smiled that award winning smile at me and the butterflies went crazy.

"Yeah hi Taiga-kun. Is it alright if I talked to you for a little? Outside?" I stared down at the ground scared of the look on his face.

"Sure." He excused himself with his friends then followed me outside. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Oh nothing important. I just wanted to know um your favorite fruit?" I hit myself mentally for such a horrible excuse but Kishibe started laughing to my surprise.

"You could've asked me that inside you know. I like oranges." Kishibe laughed and pat my head lightly. "If that's all you wanted to know then let's go back."

"Wait. I'm sorry that wasn't what I wanted to know. I already know that your favorite fruit is oranges, and that you prefer baked chicken to fried chicken. I also know that you do really well in school and that your favorite subject is Japanese History. But I also know that I get really shy when we talk and I can't say what it is I really want to say to you and my heart always races when I think of you and the butterflies in my stomach make me want to throw up when you enter the same room as me. I guess what I really wanted to say was I really really like you Taiga-kun." I looked up at him for the first time since we came out here but he wasn't smiling for once this time.

"Oh (y/n) I'm so sorry you have those feelings. And I'm sorry that they're for me. But I just can't return them. I'm flattered that you got the courage to tell me this but I just don't see you the same way. I hope you can forgive me and move on." Kishibe's eyes looked deep in mine as if searching for something before he finally looked away.

"Hey it's alright Taiga-kun. No harm done. Just thought I should tell you so that I could get it off my chest. Sorry to waste so much of your time." I smiled at him. "You can go back in now. Thanks again for listening."

"(Y/n) are you-"

"Please. Just go in now." I stared at the ground feeling my eyes fill with tears and watched his shoes disappear from my line of sight.

Looks like I was right after all. He really didn't like me. He was just a really friendly person. Hopefully maybe one day I can get over him.


The end.

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