Shindou x reader Only Hope

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Bella: I remember watching A Walk to Remember and hearing Mandy singing Only Hope and I fell in love with the song. So why not use it for Shindou? He'll definitely understand.

Shindou: I thought you didn't like me.

Bella: What gave you that idea?

Shindou: I'm on your second crush list not the first.

Bella: I'm sorry. T_T please don't hate me.

Shindou: It's alright I don't hate you.

Bella: Yay now on to the story.


Shindou Takuto there was something about him. His name was like music to your ears and honey on your lips. You couldn't get enough of him. Oftentimes you'd wonder if he felt the same way about you. Sure you guys didn't know each other on a personal level but that doesn't mean you couldn't dream about him. Maybe one day you guys could be together. Maybe.

On a particular chilly day you sat at a distance and watched the soccer club practice. As they moved across the field it seemed like they were dancing. You were always captivated by their play style and I would be lying if I said you never wished that you could do what they do and join them out there. It's a shame nobody ever notices you but at least you could watch them practice.

At the end of morning practice you made your way to the only class that you had with Shindou, other than homeroom, music. You sat at the back of class to stay hidden from everyone else. Seeing as you're short and can barely see over everyone's head in class (this literally happens to me everyday in school ) that probably wasn't a good idea but you weren't bad at music so it's all good.

"Good morning class. I have good news for you." Your teacher was a jolly man minus the Santa look. He was strict but he didn't overdo it. "The school is having a showcase at the end of the school year. You can work in groups or you can work by yourself it doesn't matter. Just make sure that you do something in it as it will be worth a big chunk of your grade next year whether you drop my class or next. You can take this class time to plan what you're going to do."

If today was a good day this news just made it bad. Oh well at least Shindou is still in class. Maybe some magic can get you guys to work together.

Time skip to lunch

You sat in the courtyard under a tree eating lunch. You were silently humming a song to yourself and enjoying the time you have to yourself.

"You have a very beautiful voice. Are you going to sing in the showcase?"

You looked up and your (e/c) locked onto another pair of mesmerizing hazel eyes. Widening your eyes you sat up and cleared your throat.

"Umm I wasn't singing but thank you?"

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