Fubuki x reader cousins

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AngelicaVilela6 once again sorry for the extremely long wait. Please forgive me 😓 but it's here now so no worries.

Taiyou: I think she's waited long enough so start the chapter now.

Bella: Right sorry. Enjoy.

You guys were always together so naturally suspicions would arise. People never said anything to you guys but the rumors spread like wild fire. Unintentionally you guys had become an OTP and pretty quickly too. The only problem? He's your cousin! From this point on we can already tell how badly this is about to end.

"(Y/n) wanna practice together today?"

"Um sure but not too hard please."

You weren't bad at soccer but his shots did scare you a little. Normally he would laugh and say you're overreacting but fear is fear. He has a fear of onions and you fear his shots.

"Lighten up. I won't kill you on purpose."

"Our parents would kill you if you kill me."

"Whatever. Get moving slow poke." Goenji dribbled the ball toward you and easily slipped as you.

You quickly gathered your sense and ran after him putting up a good fight. Practice hadn't made it very far when someone cut a pass between Kazemaru and Handa.

"Excuse me but we're having practice at the moment." Endou left the net swiftly to prevent a fight from breaking out.

"I know. That's why I came at this time."

Everyone's faces lit up recognizing the voice immediately. "Fubuki!"

Fubuki smiled and laughed at the excitement. "Hi. It's great to see everyone again. Goenji long time no see."

You hid behind Goenji hoping that the boy wouldn't see you.

"Hello you must be the new member. I'm Fubuki. It's nice to meet you." Fubuki stood before you with an outstretched hand.

You shied away and hid even further behind Goenji.

"It's ok. Sorry about that. She's a little shy."

You hit Goenji earning a laugh from both guys.

Time went on and Fubuki's visit was well spent. Unfortunately for him he heard about the rumor surrounding the (h/c) female. A small pang of jealousy hit Fubuki since he had taken a small liking to the girl. Frustratedly he made his way back to the field looking at goal and the only ball standing on the field silently mocking him. Sure you shouldn't fall for someone you just met but he couldn't help. Maybe it was the way she hid from him or it was the way she blushed when she was introduced to him. Fubuki walked up to the ball and rolled it around under his foot. Before long he was juggling the ball around. He looked at the goal once again feeling a bit mischievous. He swiftly kicked the ball aiming for the goal past. On the balls return to him he shot it again only this time using his hissatsu shot. He turned around to be greeted by (e/c) smiling at him.

"That's a nice shot you have."

"I thought you didn't talk. Or is it because Goenji is gone?"

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