Taiyou x reader The Note

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I'm feeling a bit discouraged since I'm not getting much feedback on these so I'm not sure if anyone likes them but I won't quit just yet.

Taiyou: You can't quit yet! You're about to write my chapter. T_T

Bella: I said that I wouldn't quit yet. Read properly Taiyou.

Taiyou: Ok I'm sorry. Now on to the story.

Bella: By the way the song goes with the story comment if you agree.

"It's Taiyou! Ahhhhhh!"

"Taiyou I love you!"

The fan girls quickly flocked around you and Taiyou as both of you walked into school.

"Wow Tai-kun you're pretty famous aren't you? I'll leave this to you."

"Wait (y/n) don't leave me like this! Help!"

You walked out of the sea of fan girls unscathed but Taiyou wasn't so lucky. He came out with his usually neat hair now messy and flat and his tie was now barely hanging around his neck.

"Well don't you look beautiful."

"Oh hush let's just go." Taiyou stalked off into the building with you trailing not too far behind.

You got to your lockers and opened them. A small folded white paper fell out of Taiyou's locker.

"What's this?"

If love means to cherish,
and honor a sweet soul.
Inscribed on my heart,
with you I feel whole.

If love means to be patient,
cheerful and kind.
Nothing is more important,
than you on my mind.

If love means to be selfless,
and always forgive.
A mere glance into your eyes,
and forever I'll live.

If love means to joyously,
every moment to share.
For your continued happiness,
more than anything, I care.

If love means to always,
listen and respect.
With every soft kiss,
I strive to connect.

If love means to give up,
all the mountains on earth.
I would do so instantly,
for our love has infinite worth.

If love means to be there,
through the thick and the thin.
I hope in my heart,
your love I shall win.

"Ooooo Tai-kun has a girlfriend. What's her name?"

"Cut it out (y/n) I don't have a girlfriend. It's probably just one of my fan girls but I must admit it is very sweet. Well I've got to go I have practice. See you in class."

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