Nagumo x reader Don't Go

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Sorry for the long wait Wildest-Dreams_ but here it is now. I hope you like it.

Bella: *suddenly wake up and bump heads with Kishibe* Ow.

Kishibe: Geez woman. Warn people before you do that.

Bella: No time! *starts her laptop* I'm in business.

Beep beep beep

The sound brought a calming reassurance to the people in the room. It gave hope something that couldn't be lost.

Beep beep beep

The sound was like a lullaby. Tired eyes would close drifting off the a world where everything was alright. Cries would cease and just the sound could be heard among a number of soft snores.

Beep beep beep

The only annoying sound a family has heard for weeks. Three pairs of slightly bloodshot eyes stared at the figure laying still as statue in the bed before them. It was an accident that led them all here. Three months ago the lady in the bed was vibrant and energetic running around and playing with her children. She hasn't known that the very next day she would be in a horrific car accident that would leave her like this. The last thing on her mind, what should she cook for dinner.

"Daddy I need to pee." Amber eyes stared at her father pleadingly.

"OK let's go." The young man held her hand leaving the room. He turned to his son giving him that 'if anything changes call me' look. His son nodded back at his father before his (e/c) eyes focused on his mother.

"Wake up mom. We miss you. Dad is a mess. (D/n) can't stop crying. I want you home so we can play again. Please wake up." His (e/c) eyes filled with tears slowly leaking out. "Please come home."

The man walked back into the room to find his son in tears again. He sighed getting on his knees pulling him into a tight embrace. "It's OK (s/n). She's going to wake up. Just have faith." His own amber eyes filled with tears as he brought his crying daughter into the hug as well.

"Mr. Nagumo?" The doctor walked in interrupting the small family moment.

"I'm coming." He pulled away kissing both children's heads and followed the doctor outside.

"Mr. Nagumo it's been three months and she hasn't shown any change. If nothing happens within the next three months we'll have to pull the plug. I'm sorry."

It felt as if the air had been forcefully pulled from his chest. "You can't doctor. This woman has two children who need her. I need her. We can't pull the plug. Do you need more money? Just please give my wife a chance. I'm begging you." He broke down in the hallway sobbing in his hands.

"I'm sorry sir. But we're trying everything and she's not responding at all. She has three months. It's best you prepare for the worst."

His temper flared up at the doctor's word but he held himself back for fear his children lose both parents and end up the way he did. He wouldn't wish that on anybody. He couldn't let his children live without their mother. He'd find a way. If it's the last thing he did he'd find a way for his wife. "OK thank you doctor." He wiped his face and returned to her side taking a long glance at her. Memories of their lives together filled his mind taking him away from the heart wrenching scene he was surrounded by.

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