Chapter 24 The Choice

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Chapter 24

The Choice

Hannah Anafellows and the Triplets on the right...

“Nee~ Ojou-sama’s been very busy these past few days.”

“Ah. February is the busiest month of the Wonderland factory and franchises.”

“It’s still January though.”


“Finny, Bard, Maylene!


“Help Snake in the meantime.”

“Eh? Hmmm… you’re all dressed up, where are you going?”

“I’ll be staying in London main factory…. It’s chaos over there.” Kazuya let out a dramatic sigh.

“Ganbaru Kazuya-san!!!”

“Thanks Finny. Well then see you when I see you. *smiles.”

“Bye-bye!” the 3 idiots according to Claude, bade Kazuya good bye.

Study room…


Lady Sakura’s concentration on papers she is holding….. busy glancing sideways. More often she squeezes her eyes and writhes in pain.

“You should take it easy. Tea perhaps?” Claude intervenes.

“Do bring one for me.”

“As you wish.”

“Ojou-sama…” Sebastian came in. “This letter came this morning.” Our dark crow butler handed the letter to his Milady.

Claude put the water on to boil. As he filled the teacup and chose misty lemon. He broke open a couple of jars of marmalade and lemon curd to go with the sliced pound cake and muffins. The scent of lemon curd made Sakura hungry, remembering her uneaten breakfast….

“Here you go Ojou-sama.”

“Ah.” As she began reading the contents of the letter. Sakura closed her eyes and leaned against her chair, a pensive look on her face.

“Nani desu ka, Ojou-sama.”

“Earl trancy is inviting me for his birthday party on February 14th.”

“His age?”


“What do you intend to do?”

“He is one of the major clients of my company I cannot let this slide. Well, in fact it is Wonderland Factory that will be in charge of his cake and desserts. I’ll go.” Sebastian and Claude remained silent.



“When will bw having our next vacation together?”

“Huh?Didn't you return to India?”

“Moushiwake arimasen deshita Hime-sama… Soma-sama wanted to spent more time with you.” Agni replied.

Sakura eyed them skeptically. “All right you can come. Those idiotic trio and snake could come too.”

The servants mentioned above came rushing to the door apparently they’ve been eavesdropping from the beginning. “Arigato Ojou-sama!”

“Poor Kazuya-san.” Finny said teary-eyed.

Sakura straightened her shoulder. “Oh I hope they won’t embarrass me,” she murmured half to herself. “Listen everyone! We leave a week from now.”

“Yes, my Lady.” Her servants said happily imitating Sebastian and Claude.

London…. Somewhere in a small village.


“Don’t even consider calling for help.” A masked guy with dark cape said easily.

“What ye be uhmm… want?” the Duke asked, prepared to give his captor anything he owned.

“You can rest easy…. For now.” the masked man began laughing. His victim tired to escape while he was insanely laughing but was caught by his triplets henchmen.

“Down, your Grace!” the masked man ordered. He smiled down at his prisoner. “Now off with your clothes.”

“Are you mad?” the Duke bellowed.

Pulling his pistol, the man pointed at the duke. “Are my instructions truly so difficult to understand?”

The prisoner swallowed the lump that threatened to choke him and quickly began unbuttoning his shirt, his eyes never leaving the barrel of the pistol. “I’ll see you hang for this!”

“That was certainly one of the options I considered for you.”

A sickly pallor etched in the duke’s thin lips and he continued to undress in silence. Naked, he stood shifting uneasily in the cool night air.

“Hand me up your clothes.” The Duke gave him no argument. The abductor pointed the pistol down the village road. “Now off with you.” he grinned down the naked man. “Oh, and I’d not be seeking help from anyone along the way if I were you. I rather imagined you walking all the way back to Woodrow hills in the altogether. We’ll be keeping a close eye on your every step and I know you wouldn’t want to disappoint me. Besides which, with your reputation, I doubt there would be a tenant of yours who would open their door to you.”

The duke started off. Gingerly running from one shadow to the nest, he made it past the first thatched hut before the masked man fired the pistol. Curtains were cautiously raised and doors opened as the sleeping village woke to the sight of the Duke of Woodrow Hills running through the streets as naked as  a newborn babe.

In the shadows…. The masked man removes his mask and revealed a beautiful blonde haired young boy with bright blue eyes…. It was the Earl of Trancy Household, Alois Trancy.

A deep chuckle rumbled in Alois’ throat. “That old man deserves it! Hahahaha!!! He looks so pathethic! That’s what he gets for making fun of my dead brother, Luka. He’s hopeless… hahahahahaahahaha!”


“What is it, Hannah?” he wasn’t in the mood for any bad news.

 “Miss Rosenburg’s servant just called saying, the Lady accepted your invitation.”

“Excellent…. Let’s give the Rosenburg household a grand welcome.”

“Yes, your Highness.”

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