Hospital Flowers

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**All characters in the Harry Potter series go to J. K. Rowling. Madeline, Madeline ll, Arabella and Toby are mine! :)**

Hospital Flowers-

Arabella's pov

"Minerva, I can't seem to stop her from changing.. Whose daughter is she again?" One voice whispered.

"Fred Weasley and Madeline Weasley, you remember them, don't you Poppy? One of the Weasley twins and Potter's half-sister?" A different voice said.

"Of course I remember! Madeline was in here at least once a week!" The first voice said again. I seriously had enough of people talking about me. I slowly let my eyes flutter open and was greeted by the Headmistress and school nurse."Oh good you're awake." Madame Pomfrey said to me.

"Yes.. Umm, what time is it?" I asked them both. Professsor McGongall looked at the clock on the wall.

"Half past noon." She said casually. My eyes widened in horror. I whipped the blankets off of me and swung my legs over the bed.

"Half past noon! Oh no, no no! I have to get to classes- Professor Longbottom will be very upset if I-" Madame Pomfrey gently put a hand on my shoulder.

"You will not be going anywhere missy! You nearly fainted just walking to the Infirmary last night and just think of the questions you will get with this." McGongall said whilst picking up a lock of my hair. It was still changing from ginger to brown. "Now until we can figure out what's happened you are confined to these quarters under my orders, do I make myself clear?" She said sternly.

"What about my school work-" I protested.

"Mr. Malfoy will take care of that. I've already asked him to pickup all the homework for your classes." She replied before turning and briskly leaving the Hospital Wing. With a reluctant sigh I crawled back into bed and started to munch on some of the snacks one of the house elves probably brought up for me.

"Miss Weasley, do you remember anything of last night?" Madame Pomfrey asked me. I looked at the ancient nurse. She had kind blue eyes under her gray hair. I smiled at her.

"I talked to my mum." I said simply. She went stiff for a few seconds, composed herself and then reached for a book under the nightstand that was next to my bed. After a few seconds of page turning she nearly jumped out of her chair.

"Of course! This is why you're so drained! People beyond the grave channel messages into mortal minds by tapping into their energy. During the deliverance of the message, the person receiving it creates a force field around themselves to prevent disruption. Your mum nearly drained all out of you.." She said hastily. "Oh I better tell Minerva! Stay right here!" And then she scurried off.

"Well that fixes that.." I mumbled to myself. Grabbing a lock of my hair, I stared at it intently. "Now why do you keep changing colors.."

After hours of silence and doing absolutely nothing, I heard the last bell ring, signaling the end of the school day. By the door, I could hear students scurrying back and forth, heading off to who knows where. "Arabella?" A voiced asked from the doorway. My head whipped over to the voice and I smiled.

"Hey Victoire. Come here!" She ran over towards me, her blonde hair bouncing with every step she took. "How was your first day at Hogwarts? " I asked, knowing she would have loads to tell me. She grinned excitedly while talking a seat at the edge of my bed.

"It was fantastic! Although there are so many stairs here! I really enjoyed all of my lessons and I honestly think I am going to love it here at Hogwarts!" She grinned. "I also even learned a new spell, wanna see?"

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