Christmas Pranks

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**All characters in the Harry Potter series go to J. K. Rowling. Madeline, Madeline ll, Arabella and Toby are mine! :)**

Christmas Pranks-

Arabella's pov

"Madeline! Can you help me get my bag down?" I asked my cousin as I reached for my bag on the shelf in our compartment. She was able to grab it as we approached the station. Teddy helped Victoire grab her things and we all headed off the train. Towards the back of the Platform, my dad was standing there, twirling something silver and shiny in his hands.

"Dad!" I cried as I ran up to him, my cousins following. He threw his arms around me and gave me a gently hug. "It's good to see you again." I said. He chuckled and ruffled my head.

"Hey Uncle Fred!" Vic, Teddy and Madeline cried. My dad gave them a hug as well. "Uncle Fred, where are my parents?" Madeline asked. Fred smiled.

"I told them I would pick you up, because apparently Bella has something planned..?" He replied, looking over at me. I grinned.

"Yup, that's right. I do have something planned." My cousins huddled around me as I began explaining. "Ok, we're going to play a prank on Uncle George. What's going to happen is Teddy and I are going to use our Metemorphic abilities to change to look exactly like Madeline. Then Uncle George won't know which one is his daughter." Teddy and Madeline lit up with excitement while Vic looked skeptical.

"Sounds fantastic!" Teddy said, already changing his hair color to brown. My dad beamed at me.

"Ok, ok, get in the car and I'll bring you over to Uncle George's." He said, as we all got into his car.


"Ok ready?" I asked Teddy. Madeline stood next to me and Teddy was on the other side, already looking like a clone. I changed my appearance and then rapped on the door. The real Madeline rolled her eyes and pushed the door open.

"Dad!" She called. We waited for a second.

"In here sweetie!" Uncle George replied. We all shuffled into the room and looked at George. His face was priceless! He was confused and horrified. "W-What? Which one- What? ANGELINA!" He shouted. Angelina came running into the room and looked at the three of us.

"FRED! GET IN HERE!" Aunt Angelina shouted. Fred came into the room, laughing hysterically. "What-?"

At that moment, all three of us started laughing, both Teddy and I changing back to normal. "You're a metamormagus?" Uncle George questioned. I nodded my head, still giggling. I gave Teddy a high five behind Madeline's back. "When did that happen?"

"Hmm.. First day of school, I think!" I replied. I turned to my dad and gave him the best puppy dog eyes I could muster. "Can we prank Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur too?" I asked. Both him and his brother nodded proudly.


"Happy Christmas dad!" I shouted, jumping up and down on his bed. He groaned a little and buried his head into his pillow. "Wake up! Wake up!" I laughed.

"Bella, let me sleep a couple more minutes!" He groaned. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Ok, well i'm just going to go throw your present in the fireplace! And trust me it wouldn't like that.." I said as I walked out the door.

"Arabella Scarlett Weasley, what in the world do you mean by 'it'?" My dad asked. I could here him slowly getting out of bed. I squealed and ran down stairs where I gently pet the little animal I got for my father. "Arabella!" He said, I could hear him running down the stairs, and when he appeared in the doorway, his jaw dropped. "W-What-?" He stuttered.

I grinned madly at him. "Do you like her?" I asked, petting the little puppy. She gently licked my hand and nuzzled into me.

"You got me a corgi puppy?" He asked as he knelled in front of her. The puppy barked and ran up to him, begging to be pet.

"Well, I thought you looked a little lonely lately. And maybe having her will keep your mind off of things." I confessed. "I haven't named her yet.." The puppy walked away from my dad and nuzzled into a basket laying on the floor. When she emerged, she dropped a bell on the floor and started moving it around the floor.

"Bells." My dad said suddenly.


"Bells, I'll name her Bells." He said, scratching the puppies head. I smiled up at him and saw a twinkle in his eyes. Happiness was beginning to return to my father.

"Happy Christmas dad." I mumbled.

"Happy Christmas Bella." He replied, smiling a genuine smile at me.


"Elliot!" I nearly screamed. He was waiting for me at the Great Hall. I dropped all of my stuff and ran up to him. His arms went around me and he swung me in a circle.

"Well hello to you too." He chuckled.

"How was your Christmas?" I asked, picking up my trunk and trudging up the stairs, Elliot at my side. Elliot shuffled around in his robes and pulled out a red box. "Oh, what is this?" I asked, taking the box in one hand and examining it.

"It's your present." Elliot replied. "By the way I really enjoyed the box of pranking supply. I put it to really good use." He mused.

"Elliot! I told you not to get me anything!" He smirked.

"How would it be fair that you got me something but I wasn't allowed to give you anything?" He laughed. We reached a staircase and stopped walking as it began to move. "Go on, open it." Elliot urged.

I slowly peeled open the box and smiled as I saw a silver bracelet neatly placed in the box. "I love it. Thank you Elliot." I said as I hugged him again. He smiled as he put the bracelet on my wrist. We reached the portrait of the Fat Lady and Elliot scampered off to the Slytherin common room.

Upon my entrance, I was tackled my a giggling Alice and Emmy. Pierre and Mylor stood their watching. "Welcome back Bella!" Alice squealed as she helped me off the floor.

"Geez I was only gone for a couple of weeks!" I replied.

"The longest weeks of my life!" A new voice said. "How was Christmas sis? Sorry I couldn't make it, I was helping McGongall clear out something in the dungeons." I looked up to see Toby floating near the ceiling.

"Very well, thank you Toby." I replied. Toby smiled at me before disappearing again.

"So spill!" Emmy snapped as we took a seat on the couch. Pierre sat next to her as Alice and Mylor sat on the ground in front of us.

"What do you mean-?" I questioned.

"What did Elliot get you?" Alice laughed. I felt myself blush. I laughed at my friends but held my hand up. They stared at the bracelet in awe.

"Nothing special, but I appreciate it nonetheless." I said to them. Alice shifted for a moment and then looked me straight in the eye. "What?"

She smiled at me. "Do you really want to wait until fifth year?" I smiled at her and nodded.



So yeaaa~ 

Sorry for not updating, I've become really ill and it's been absolutely dreadful. But I didn't want to dissapoint my readers! So here you are my lovelies!

Question of the day: What other HP fanfics are you reading on Wattpad? 

<3 Wren

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