Mixed Feelings

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**All characters in the Harry Potter series go to J. K. Rowling. Madeline, Madeline ll, Arabella and Toby are mine! :)**

Arabella's pov-

Can you believe it? We are already going into third year! Aren't you excited? I wrote down in the mysterious journal Elliot gave me at the beginning of summer. I let the ink soak in and waited.

Time truly flies when you're having fun! But I do hope you trained up this year for Quidditch cause I'm not going to go easy on you! Elliot replied.

I can't believe you just said that! Of course I've been training with Uncle Harry. I replied with a cocky smirk. Everybody knew that Uncle Harry was the best seeker Hogwarts ever had.

Just because your Uncle was Harry Potter... it doesn't mean.. well .. ok maybe you can go easy on me this year? :) I smiled at this.

Maybe.. I'll see you tomorrow at the station! Goodnight Elliot! I replied before closing the book and slipping out of bed. My bare feet barely made a sound as I creeped along the hardwood floor and down the stairs. Dad was sitting on the couch watching the muggle television. Maybe if I was quiet enough-

"Bells. I can totally hear you." He said, not even turning his head towards my direction. I let out a sigh and walked over to him. He ruffle my hair as I snuggled into him. "What are you doing up? You should be asleep."

"Oh. I was-" My sentence trailed off.

"You were talking to Elliot again." He finished for me with a smirk. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"So what if I was?!" I asked, puffing out my chest and holding my head up high. He just let out a chuckle.

"You know what I said about talking to him late at night! You've been talking to him all summer and you practically live at Malfoy Manor, it's not like you aren't going to see him again." He pointed out. I just snuggled into his side.

"Whatever dad. He's my best friend, I can't just ignore him." I said while letting out a loud yawn and falling asleep on his shoulder.


"Arabella Scareltt Weasley! If you aren't down here in five minutes then we won't make it to the platform!" My dad yelled from downstairs. I grabbed my tote bag that carried my wand, robes and a book, and ran downstairs. He gave me a look before I rolled my eyes. With my trunk in hand we apparated to the Platform.

We landed at the Platform where I was promptly tackled. Teddy, Madeline and Victoire Weasley all had arms wrapped around me. "Hey guys!" I squealed whilst wrapping my arms around them.

"Arabella, can you help me around Hogwarts this year?" The newest Weasley that was attending school asked. I ruffled her hair slightly.

"Oh course! I'm sure Teddy and Madeline will help too." I replied. I put my school trunk and owl with all the other trunks and animals and returned to my family.

"Bella, I want you to behave this year and tell your brother to come visit the shop. I haven't seen him in a while." Dad said while giving me a hug. I tenderly hugged him back.

"Sure, no problem." I replied. The train whistle blew. I smiled at my family before hopping on the train and finding a compartment. Madeline, Teddy and Victoire followed. We waved to our family as the train left the station. "Ahh Hogwarts, here I come." I sighed while closing my eyes and putting my hands behind my head.

"Bells! It's a big year this year." I hear Teddy whisper.

"And why is that?" I replied, not bothering to open my eyes. Even without my eyes open I knew he was rolling his eyes.

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