Young Love

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**All characters in the Harry Potter series go to J. K. Rowling. Madeline, Madeline ll, Arabella and Toby are mine! :)**

Young Love-

Arabella's pov


I have some tragic news. Upon your departure to Hogwarts your Uncle and me went to go visit Sirius. He passed away. I'm sorry to tell you like this. Write me back and stay strong.

Love Dad

After rereading the letter for the second time I burst into tears. Why is everything bad happening to me? "TOBY!" I screeched. In an instant, he appeared at my side.

"Bella? What's a matter?" He inquired. I handed him the letter and he frowned. "Don't worry. He's with mum now. He's probably happy." He whispered. I nodded and held out my hand. He grabbed it and orbed us to the Gryffindor Common room where I crawled up to my dormitory and curled into a ball. Everyone was at the feast, so I had a quite dorm to myself.

I don't know why but I feel like my world is crumbling apart. Every time my world is back to normal something horrible has to happen. I layed my head on my pillow and cried a little. I heard the portrait door creep open as someone stepped inside the common room.

"Arabella? Are you alright?" Someone called. My head snapped up and I made my way downstairs. Standing by the portrait door was Elliot.

"How'd you get in here?" I asked, wiping my eyes.

"Toby told me the password." He replied, walking over to me. "Why aren't you at dinner?"

"After Defense Against the Dark Arts I went to the owlrey to check if I had any letter and I got one from my dad. One of my close family members died." I said staring into his eyes. His face soften and he gave me a hug.

"Come on. Let's go to the feast. We can deal with this after." He said as he ushered me out of the portrait.

*************Couple of Months later*****************

"Elliot! Guess who we are playing first in Quidditch?" I asked excitedly. I tried out for the team a couple of weeks ago and I made seeker! Elliot turned from his Slytherin friends and smiled.

"Who?" He asked.

"Slytherin! You're so going down!" I squeaked. He laughed. Elliot was also on the team, he was a Seeker too.

"We'll see about that Bells!" He said as he ruffled my hair. Elliot and I have become really close since our meet at the train, and I can safely say he is one of my best friends. "When is the game anyway?"

"Umm a week from now." I replied, going over the Quidditch schedule.

~A Week Later~

"Bella! Try to find the Snitch!" Gryffindor captain Liam Wood shouted at me. I nodded and scanned the field. It was raining hard and the wind was blowing fiercely. Elliot was flying near me also looking for the Snitch. We were up by only a couple of points, but if I didn't find the Snitch then everyone would freeze to death!

I scanned the field again when I saw a speck of gold near the Slytherin crowd. I zoomed after it and the crowd began to go wild. I heard Elliot close behind but I willed my broom to go faster. The snitch was only a few feet away and Ellliot was now at my side.

"Come on Weasley you can do better!" He laughed. I smiled as I put my hand out.

"That's rich coming from you Malfoy!" I laughed. The Snitch took a sudden dive down and we both followed. We were riding only feet from the soaking ground as the Snitch was right in front of us. From the corner of my eye I could see Elliot wiping his eyes with his hand and I took that opportunity to grab the Snitch and stuff it in my sleeve so he couldn't see it.

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