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F**All characters in the Harry Potter series go to J. K. Rowling. Madeline, Madeline ll, Arabella and Toby are mine! :)**


Maddie's pov

"Wake up!" Someone shouted in my ear. I opened my eyes and looked at Fred.

"I wasn't asleep you git! I don't need it, remember?" I sighed. Fred gave a guilty smile before strolling out the room. He marched down the halls and shouted at the top if his lungs.

"WAKE UP ARABELLA! IT'S TIME FOR BREAKFAST!" I heard a little groan, a small giggle and then trudging feet. "Morning mum." Arabella said as she past my room. Toby was floating behind her, laughing manically.

I went down stairs and Fred was already starting breakfast. He was humming to a tune while flipping some pancakes. I don't know why, but I had this nagging feeling in my gut about him. He was just too happy.. and then there was the other night when he called me Maddison! He very well knows my name. Maybe I should go to Harry or George..

"Breakfast is served!" Fred announced.

"Is there any reason you woke me up early dad?" Arabella whined. I let out a giggle with Toby.

"We're going to the shop today! And I'm really excited to show my customers my lovely children and wife!" He said enthusiastically.

"Hey Fred-" I blurted. He turned to me and smiled. "I left something at Harry's.. Let me just swing my now and I'll meet you at the shop, yea?" He nodded and I orbed out of there.

"Harry! Ginny!" I yelled whilst knocking on the door. The door swung open to reveal a teal haired Teddy Lupin. "Hey Teddy, are Harry and Ginny around?" He scratched his head and smiled.

"Yea- I think they're in the kitchen. James, Albus and Lily are there too." He said while inviting me in. I followed him into the kitchen where Ginny was sipping coffee and Harry was reading The Daily Prophet.

"Good morning Maddie, what brings you to our humble abode?" Harry said smugly. I rolled my eyes lazily.

"I need to talk to you Harry." I said seriously. The room got quiet and Harry stood up. I followed him to his study where the blue books were in piles. He waved his wand and they disappeared. "Harry I think something's wrong." I blurted out.

"What is it?" Harry asked. He sat down in his chair and gave me a look.

"Something's wrong with Fred." Harry let out a chuckle.

"Maddie, we already went over this-" He started.

"No it's different this time! I swear it! He called me Maddison! MADDISON! We've known eachother for years and he's convinced my name is Maddison! Plus I have this feeling in my gut-"

"Maddie. Calm down. Just go back to your family and if he's like this at the end of the day, come back to me. Ok?" Harry replied. I sighed and nodded.

I orbed out the house and to Diagon Alley. I lazily walked around for a few minutes, looking through the tall windows of different shops. Flourish and Blotts had some brand new books in the window. Eeylops Owl Emporium had a hazel colored owl sitting on a perch. It was quite handsome.

When I got to Weasley Wizard Wheezes.. well let's just put it this way. If I had a beating heart, it would have stopped completely.


Third Person Pov-

"Ready to go?" Fred asked little Arabella and Toby. Arabella nodded excitedly and was about to take her father's hand when she gasped.

"Wait! Let me get something for Uncle George!" She squeaked. She ran up the stairs and into her room. She shuffled through her drawers before picking up two things: her wand and a delicately folded paper crane, which magically flapped it's wings when you tugged at it. She put both items in her pocket and ran downstairs.

Fred apparated them to the front of Weasley Wizard Wheezes. From the outside, everything looked absolutely normal. But when the three of them entered, shelves were knocked over, products were broken and lying here and there. "Dad! What happened?!" Toby and Arabella said at once. The twins turned for the door but it shut on them.

"Dad!" Arabella squeaked. She turned to her father but started to nearly cry at the sight of him. Fred's face was bubbling, and his hair was changing color. His fingers grew longer and he grew taller.

"Sorry sweetie.. Daddy's not here!" A bitter voice said. When the figure that was once Fred stopped.. morphing.. he stood up and looked at the trembling Twins.

"P-P-Professor Clevely!" Toby stuttered. Arabella started to squirm around as she searched for her wand.

"That's not all." A voice sang evilly. Out of the darkness, forming from a blue haze, was Bellatrix Lestrange. "Hello darlings!" She laughed.

"What do you want from us!" Arabella screeched while pointing her wand at both Professor Clevely and Lestrange.

"What are you going to do about it? You're just a Frankie-First year!" Clevely shouted, advancing towards them.

"Stupefy!" Toby squeaked suddenly. Clevely ducked just in time for the curse to miss him. Bellatrix eyed him up carefully.

"You take after your mother.. That was her signatured spell, so I wouldn't doubt that's where you learnt it." She hissed. Too fast for Toby, Bellatrix was behind him, grabbing both his shoulders. And in a mess of blue haze, they were gone.

Arabella started to cry while running behind shelves, trying to avoid Clevely's grasp. Eventually, he pulled out his wand and started shouting curses at the twelve year old girl. Arabella waved her wand at the shelves and products started to fall and hit the crazy man before her.

Clevely let out a frustrated cry and lunged at Arabella. And she narrowly missed him. By this time, the spell that had kept the showp looking clean and pristine wore off, and the show was in pieces. Arabella hid behind a shelf and took out the paper crane she had in her pocket. With her wand, she inscribed:

Help. -A.W.

She placed the crane on the ground and made another run for it, but was surprised when the strong arms of Clevely were around her. Without notice, they apparated out of their into oblivion.


Maddie's pov

The sight before my eyes was horrific. The once colorful Weasley Wizard Wheezes was broken. Windows were shattered, shelves were knocked over and products were scattered. Light's flickered on and off and a little bit of smoke leaked from the windows out into the sky.

I saw George staring in awe at the shop. "George!" I shouted. He turned around and ran his fingers through his hair. "What on earth happened?" I asked. He shook his head and walked into the shop. He stepped over the broken door and looked around.

It felt as though the damage done at Hogwarts during the battle happened here. I looked around the shop for any sign of life. Towards the shelves that once held Edible Dark Marks was a small stick, a wand to be in fact.

"Arabella. Toby." I whispered while rushing over to the wand. I picked it up and examined it. George came over to me and also examined the wand. "George.. George! This is Arabella's wand!" I nearly shouted. He took it from me as I began to search around for more clues.

"What do you think happened?" George said nervously. But I wasn't paying attention. My eyes were on the small white bird on the ground. George followed my gaze and walked over to it. He picked it up and read the message inscribed onto it.

"Help. A.W." Sheer terror ran through my body and I began to cry.

Where on earth was my family!


So I thought that it wasn't fair to keep you guys waiting, but then again I'm not saying that the uploads are going to come regular soon..

<3 Wren

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