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**All characters in the Harry Potter series go to J. K. Rowling. Madeline, Madeline ll, Arabella and Toby are mine! :)**


Freds's pov

"So Fred, how's Arabella been?" George asked. It was early spring, right about the time the students at Hogwarts would be taking their OWLs. 

"She's been pretty good. Elliot's keeping her happy, she's gotten her quidditch spunk back, and her relationship with Toby's gotten stronger." I replied, taking a bite into the sandwich I was eating. "I even heard that she's decided to become a healer." I added.

"A healer! Doesn't she want to work at the joke shop when we are all frail and old?" George commented. I just chuckled.

"Of course she does, but she always has wanted to become a healer. That or a famous quidditch player like Ginny." I replied.

"So what's your plan?" He asked. I shrugged. I honestly had no idea.

"You know, live my life, watch my child grow up." I said. He gave me a funny look.

"Would you ever consider dating anyone soon?" He asked so suddenly that I started to choke on my sandwich and he had to hit my back to stop me from dying. "Sorry it was just a question!" He said.

"What- What made you ask that?" He shrugged. "Well I don't know, I don't see why not. I just don't know how Arabella would take it." I paused. "Plus I would definitely feel guilty throughout the relationship.. So actually probably not." He just gave me this look. "What! You can't say anything because your wife is still alive." I retorted.

"Fred, listen to yourself. I'm not saying that you should get remarried and what not. Just consider your options." He said.

"Are we done here? Because I've got a joke shop to run." I said, grabbing the remnants of my lunch and heading down Diagon Alley to our shop. I heard George following me silently.

Back at the shop, there was two owls sitting on the counter. One was the very old Amare, and the other was a Hogwarts owl. "Oh goodness, what has Arabella gotten herself into.." I commented before open each of the letters.


"But Professor McGoagall! That isn't fair! I was trying to help out Alice because Patricia was beating her up! You're telling me that I'm in trouble for helping a student who was wandless?" I hissed.

She looked at me from behind her spectacles. "I am saying that hospitalizing the student was unnecessary!" She said. "You are lucky that I'm just giving you in class suspension! I could have taken away your Captain's and Prefect's badge!" I felt my hair turn a dark shade of red.

"I didn't know what the spell was going to do though!" I retorted. Professor McGongall stood up and angrily looked at me.

"Enough. You will return to your dormitory immediately, an no talking to anyone. There will be an escort to take you to dinner, and then to your classes tomorrow. The same for your extra curricular activities. Now you're excused." I stood up and angrily stomped my way back to the dormitory.

When I reached the Common room, Mylor, Pierre, Alice and Emmy came up to me. "Well?" They asked. I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out. I began to angrily shout out cuss words and swears and they just stared at me. I took out my wand and began spelling stuff out.

McGonagall punished me. I'm not allowed to talk to students and I'll have an escort to classes. This is so stupid.

"I'm sorry about this!" Alice squealed while giving me a hug. I put up my hand.

It's fine. Patricia deserved it. They all laughed and I smiled.

"What happened anyway?" Mylor asked. Alice and Emmy frowned.

"What happened was Alice was minding her own business, and Patricia Marshall, that nasty Slythering girl starts to beat her up! Now mind you Alice didn't have a wand and was trying to defend herself! Then the lovely Arabella shows up, says something like 'sanctysempu' and then Patricia is howling in pain and bleeding!" Emmy explained. The boys look impressed with me and I smiled.

I gave them a wave and headed up to my dormitory. At least this silencing charm will be off by tomorrow morning. I crawled into my bed, grabbed a book and began to read. Alice and Emmy showed up later and they crawled into bed as well. I don't know what time it was, but I realized that my dad would be furious about what happened, so I owled him, then went to bed.


"Maddie? Where are you going?" Lily asked, it was early in the morning and I was trying to sneak out the door. I shrugged.

"Erm, I don't really know. I feel like spending the day outside though. I might go visit Jaime and the Masons, or spend a day by the river. I don't know really." I gave her a smile. "Can you tell the others that I've gone out?" She nodded. "Thanks, bye mum!"

I walked out the door and aimlessly wondered. I don't know where I ended up, but all I know is that I tripped and fell over something.

"Ouch!" I squeaked, as I rubbed my arms and wrists. I looked over to what I tripped over and was surprised to see a large duffle bag. I looked around to see if it was anyone's, but it was just me and a couple of trees. "Hello?! Does this bag belong to anyone?" I shouted out. But I got no answer. I unzipped the duffle bag and boy did I get a shock.

They were items that seemed familiar. There was a necklace, a blanket, some glasses, a ring, a wand, and a few other items. I picked up the necklace and examined it, it was a crest, with red, green, blue and yellow on it. The Hogwarts crest! I set the necklace down and picked up the glasses and blanket. The blanket was blue and white, maybe a babies blanket? The glasses were round, and shiny.

All these things seemed familiar to me. I was about to examine the ring, when I saw a man about my age, slowly walking towards me, acting as if I couldn't see him. "Umm.. I can see you ya know.." I said. He looked up and locked eyes with me. "Yea, you." I called out.

"But.. how-?" He said, startled. I laughed and stood up.

"Well you aren't exactly invisible." I laughed. "What's your name by the way?" I asked.

"How can you see me?" He asked, completely ignoring my question. "No one can see me, living or dead." He hissed. I cocked my head.

"Living or dead? Who are you?" I asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter, I'll just take my things and leave." He said as he began to stride over. I grabbed all the items and put it behind my back.

"No." I said sternly. "No, I want answers. Who are you?" I snapped. He sighed and then groaned.

"My name is Steven." He said simply. I waited for him to say more, but he didn't.

"That's it, just Steven?" I asked. He nodded. "Well, Steven, how did you die?" He shook his head.

"I didn't." I was seriously getting annoyed with him.

"I hate to break it to you, but you are in heaven, where the dead people are." He laughed.

"I'm not dead, but I'm not alive either. I am simply existing." I was about to say something but he held up his hand. "I am what people called a shadow. I'm pretty much a living myth. There are stories about me that people tell to their children." He sighed. "They say that I am a myth because no one has ever seen me. That is, except for you, Maddie." 


Oohh mysterious?! 

So here's what's been going on in the life of Wren: I've started driving! It's scary as hell. I don't have my license, but I could have gotten it in December if I got my permit the previous June. Also, a piece of bone chipped off somewhere in my shin and that hurts sooo much! (Might have to get surgery.. yaaaayyy..)

Question of the day: What's your Hogwarts house? 

<3 Wren

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