What a mess!

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**All characters in the Harry Potter series go to J. K. Rowling. Madeline, Madeline ll, Arabella and Toby are mine! :)**

What a mess!

"Madeline! You give me back my wand!" I screeched. My cousin laughed as she ran around our dormitory at the early hours of the morning. The silencing charm was lifted from me when I woke up, thank god. But now Madeline was getting back at me for a prank I pulled on her a couple weeks ago.

Madeline just giggled and started to make her way out of the room, but was stopped by Toby, who appeared in front of her. "Ahh! Toby! Don't scare me like that!" She hissed. He gave her a look.

"Madeline, can you please give Bella her wand back? There is just one more month of class left and I'd like her to finish her fifth year." He said sternly. Madeline just pouted and threw my wand back at me. I smirked.

"Thanks bro!" I said, but he just rolled his eyes.

"Are you coming to breakfast?" He asked. I nodded.

"Well yes, but since I sort of hospitalized Patricia Marshall I have to have an escort to everything. It's absolutely ridiculous!" I said. Toby and Madeline just laughed. "Oh whatever, just go to breakfast, I'll be there shortly." They nodded and left. Emmy and Alice also left early in the morning, so it was just me.

I plopped myself onto the loveseat in the common room and waited until there was a knock on the portrait.

"Hello! Arabella! Come on now or we'll be late for breakfast!" Someone shouted. I opened up the door and was surprised to see Elliot. "Hey there cutie." He smiled. I gave him a peck on the cheek. "Time for breakfast?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I can't go, I'm waiting for an escort." I replied. He grinned.

"Good, because you are looking at him!" He said while taking my hand.


"Harry! Mate, you in here??" I shouted. I was in the Ministry of Magic, which is quite dull in my opinion. I knocked on Harry's office door again and finally he opened the door.

"Blimey! Who in the bloody hell- Oh, hey Fred." He said, rubbing his eyes. His office was dark, so he probably was taking a nap.

"Harry, can I come in?" I asked, he nodded and I stepped in. There was a fluffy pillow on his desk. "Haven't been sleeping well mate?" I asked. He groaned.

"Not at all. I've been having this horrible feeling in my gut, and it's been keeping me up all night." He said while taking a seat. I sat opposite of him while pulling a letter out of my coat.

"Well, I think I know what's been keeping you up." I said. He became curious. "Arabella nearly killed a student!" I said. He gaped at me.

"How? What on earth did she do?" He asked.

"She found the book." I paused. "She found the Half-Blood Prince's potion book!" I finished. Harry nearly lost it.

"What! How do you know? Ginny hid that so well though! Plus I thought it was destroyed when Goyle set the Room of Requirement on fire!" He said, his voice cracking.

I put my hands on his desk and leaned in. "All I know is that she used Sectumsempra on a student and she nearly killed the girl. Now I've already had Toby try to find the book but he can't find it anywhere. I have no idea what else is in that damned book, and I don't know what to do. Maybe you could have Ron of Hermione or even you check it out...?"

Harry stood up and nodded. "I'll take care of it. We should have destroyed that book a long time ago.. Thanks for telling me Fred, I'll see you later?" I nodded and then left.

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