Final Goodbyes

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**All characters in the Harry Potter series go to J. K. Rowling. Madeline, Madeline ll, Arabella and Toby are mine! :)**

Final Goodbyes-

Aunt Ginny promptly burst into tears, and I literally clung to her like a little girl. I was shaking, as was she, and there was nothing we could to about it. All my Uncles were speechless, except for George, who let out a heart-wrenching sob. I let go of Aunt Ginny and went over to him. He grabbed me and hugged me tightly. I feel like out of all the relatives, he would be the one who understands the pain I went/am going through. The doctor left us, and we sat in silence. 

"Oh Fred.." Bill mumbled, his head in his hands. "What're we going to do without you."

"How're we going to tell the others?" Percy said quietly. Charlie stood up, tears running down his face. 

"I'll tell them to .. to say their last goodbyes.." He said, his voice already hoarse. He left the room, and the rest of us just sat there with a great big pain in our hearts. Aunt Ginny was able to calm herself down, and she left, probably to go comfort her husband. I held onto Uncle George's hand tightly. 

"Toby.." i whispered so quietly that only I could hear. "Toby it's time." 

And in a matter of a couple seconds, he was at my side, hugging me tightly. "I'm sorry Bella, I really am." He whispered. I knew Toby deep down was devastated, but because he was a boy, and already dead, he would not let it show. "What's everyone doing?" He asked. All the remaining Weasley's left to go comfort their families.

I hiccuped and rubbed my tired eyes. "They're saying their final goodbyes." I said. "Come on, we're probably going to be the last ones to talk to him." I told him. He followed me outside where everyone was in tears. I looked around and noticed that the more distant relatives were not here, probably saying their goodbyes. 

Teddy and Madeline were on the couch, trying to calm a very shaky Victoire, who was streaming tears. I walked over to them. Madeline didn't say a word, but threw her arms around me. I felt the couch dip and there were fingers wrapping around mine. I squeezed them tightly knowing Elliot hated seeing me in pain.

No one said a word.

One by one, each family said something to my ill father. They went upstairs in tears, and returned downstairs with their cheeks flushed and their eyes bloodshot. Angelina just returned down the stairs with her two children. Uncle George tugged me lightly. We were the last ones. I slowly pulled myself up as he lead me upstairs. My dad's bedroom door was already open, and at the doorway, we could see the frail outline of his body. 

We entered quietly, each going on one side of the bed. My dad opened his eyes, and looked sadly at us both. 


Fred' Pov

Arabella's blue eyes pierced into mine, and I couldn't help but not shed a tear as she cried herself. "Oh dad.." She started, her voice trembling. Her voice sent a shiver down my spine. "Daddy-" She couldn't finish her sentence as she started sobbing. 

I turned my head slowly, every part of me aching. "Hiya Georgie." I mumbled, my mouth very dry. George stared at me, tears freely streaming down his face as well. "Please don't cry, please." I pleaded to him. He sniffled,and rubbed his face. 

"Look at you Fred, what am I to do without you?" He asked. "I've already lost one best friend, I don't know what I would do without the other. Oh Fred, wha-" I shook my head. 

"George, as your twin, I know exactly what you're trying to say." I told him. He smiled through all his tears. 

"I'm really going to miss you. Oh god- I didn't think t-this day w-would come so s-soon!" He cried. I let tears leave my eyes as I watched him break down. I knew he had more to say, but he just couldn't utter another word. I turned my head back over to Arabella, who was trying to calm herself. 

"Arabella Scarlett-" She looked up, "I want you to do me a favor." She nodded. "I want you to continue the path you are taking, and I want you to be very successful. I want you to be happy with Elliot, and most of all, I want you to keep being you." I told her. She smiled and kissed my forehead, I felt a few tears on my skin. 

"I'll never forget you, and I won't let anyone forget you either. My children's children will tell stories of you." She said, grasping my hand desperately. "I love you dad." 

I smiled at her. "I love you too Arabella." 

Both George and Arabella stayed with me for an hour, before I began to feel drowsy. Arabella was watching me closely, as was Georgie. I felt my eyelids begin to droop, and I struggled to hear what they were trying to say. My feet felt cold, numb almost, and I couldn't curl them. I felt the uneasy coldness travel up my body, to my waist, and to my hands. Arabella was crying once again, as was George. I smiled at them both, and for a moment, every part of me felt numb. 

Then with a final shaky breath, I was gone. 


Arabella's pov

He smiled up at me, his eyes seeing beyond. "Dad! Dad! No! NO!" I screamed. With his mouth open, I heard him let out a shaky breath, and then his chest moved no more. "Daddy.. p-please don't g-go." I mumbled, as his hands loosened on mine. Uncle George had his hand still clasped into his brother's, but his head was buried into his other arm as he cried for his brother. 

We sat there, just the three of us, until I released him from my grip. That was probably the last time I'd touch my father's strong hands. The last time I would see him smile, and the last time I'd have a parent. "Stay here.." I told Uncle George, knowing well enough that he wasn't going anywhere. I took a deep breath and tried so hard to calm myself.  

I took each step slowly, and once I was in full view of the occupants of the ground floor, they stared at me. No one had left, and they all looked at me for an answer. I swalled the lump that was in my throat and spoke, "H-He's gone." I said, tears once again going down my face. 

Everyone burst into tears once more. 


Fred's pov

I arrived somewhere familiar. It looked as though it were the same thing, just rather old and dusty. I spoke to an old ghost, who asked me information, which i gave them. At the last ghost, he pointed to a door. "Just step through that door and your new life begins." They said unenthusiastically. I walked over to the door and I stepped through. Everything was white for a moment, and in that moment, I realized I was no longer in pain. 

Nothing ached, my head didn't throb, and I was no longer a greenish tint. When everything was no longer white, I scanned my surroundings. I was at a park, that was in the center of a neighbourhood. "Hello?" I called out, my voice back to normal. There was no answer. 

I walked around aimlessly, until I saw a young lady with brown hair. She was sitting with her back against the well. I walked up from behind her and looked around. "Do you know where I am miss?" I asked, not exactly looking at the young lady. Instead I was staring at a house that reminded me of Harry. "Isn't that Potter's house-" 

"Fred?" The lady cried. It was her. The voice made my insides tickle and sent a shiver down my spine. I locked eyes with her, and I fell in love all over again. "Fred!" she squeaked. Maddie threw her arms around and wrapped her legs around my waist. She placed her lips on mine and I kissed her. My heart pounded and I was filled with happiness. I held her as close as I could, never wanting to let her go. 

When our kiss ended, she rested her forehead on mine. "Damn it Fred." She laughed at me. "You died. You shouldn't have died." She breathed.

"So you aren't glad to see me?" I replied, smirking. She giggled at me. 

"I'm never glad to see you." She joked. I set her down and she grabbed my hand. "I love you." She said. 

"Forever and Always." I replied. 


Two more chapters!!

Btw I didn't edit this so sorry if there is mistakes!

<3 Wren

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