The Truth

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**All characters in the Harry Potter series go to J. K. Rowling. Madeline, Madeline ll, Arabella and Toby are mine! :)**


The Truth-

Maddie's pov

"Toby!" I called. Arabella gave me a look, but I just shrugged. Toby orbed in a couple of seconds later, a shocked expression on his face at the two bodies on the ground. "Get Professor Longbottom. Don't say anything, just orb him." Toby nodded, and a few seconds later, he came back with a shocked Neville.

"Bloody hell Toby! I would appreciate a warning next time!" He snapped. I glanced at my son and he orbed out. "Merlin's beard! What did you do Maddie!" He exclaimed, turning over the bodies on the ground. "Harry? Fred?" Nevilled whispered. When they didn't answer, Neville raised his hand and slapped them both hard on the hace.

"BLIMEY!" Harry and Fred said together. I turned invisible again, to afraid to say anything.

"What happened to you two?" Neville asked. Harry rubbed the back of his head and Fred pressed his hands to his temple.

"Just fainted at the sight of my dead wife, that's all." He mumbled. He looked around, obviously trying to find me.

"Maddie?" Harry called out. He stood up and with desperate eyes, glanced around.

"Harry." I whispered, just loud enough for them to hear. Everyone's head turned to the area I was in and Harry slowly walked up to me. "Harry, you've grown so much..." I cried. He really was a grown man now. I revealed myself to him and watched as he started to tear up.

"You're-" He wiped a tear from his eyes. "You're really here." He said, his voice hiding all kinds of emotions. I smiled at him and threw my arms around his neck, nuzzling into him. I giggled as I felt him stiffen with shock, before relaxing and trying to hug me back, only to fail. "How is it, you can hug me, but I can't hug you?" He whispered into my ear.

I released him and shrugged. "Long story." I smiled.

"So you know Uncle Harry?" A new voice piped up. Both Harry and I turned to Arabella who looked up at us with teary eyes. I knelt down next to her and gave her shoulder a squeeze.

"Yes Arabella, I do know him." I smiled up at Harry. "Him and I go way back. Same thing with Fred-" But as soon as I said his name, I felt an uneasy feeling wash over me. Taking a deep breath, I looked up at Fred and suddenly felt a pain in my chest. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Y-You never left..." He stuttered. I stood up so I was eye level with him.

"Fred I-" I started, but was soon interrupted.

"TEN YEARS!" He shouted abruptly, causing me to shrink back in fear. "TEN YEARS YOU'VE BEEN HERE, AND YET YOU DIDN'T COME BACK TO ME- NO, TO US!" He shouted, tears starting to well in his eyes. Tears were already dripping down my face.

"I WANTED TO COME BACK!" I snapped at him. "I wanted-"

"YOU DIDN'T WANT ANYTHING! YOU WERE BEING SELFISH!" He paused and took a breath. "We could have lived a normal life Maddie. We could have been a family." He said, lowering his voice. But just when I thought I could speak, he cut me off. "MADDIE I NEEDED YOU! AFTER YOU DIED I HAD NOTHING LEFT! I BLAMED YOUR DEATH ON ME! OUR LIVES WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH EASIER AND PEACEFUL IF YOU'D COME BACK TO US! I ALMOST KILLED MYSELF BECAUSE I THOUGHT MAYBE WE COULD BE HAPPY IN OUR AFTERLIFE! I COULDN'T TAKE CARE OF ARABELLA! AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" He shrieked. A new emotion raced through me an I suddenly felt very angry.

"It's my fault?" I hissed, gliding towards him until we were face to face. "It's my fault that Fenrir Greyback decided to kill me? It's my fault that I died because I was trying to fight for a better world for our children? It's my fault that you couldn't live a normal life without me or Toby? It's my fault that you couldn't have the perfect fairytale life?" I paused. "I didn't come back because it wouldn't have been the same for you. I didn't come back because you two needed to move on."

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