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**All characters in the Harry Potter series go to J. K. Rowling. Madeline, Madeline ll, Arabella and Toby are mine! :)**


Fred's pov

I had absolutely no idea where I was. It was dark, it as damp, and it smelt as though an animal died in here. My wrists burned from tugging on the ropes attached to them. All I could think about was my family. Maddie, Toby and Arabella. I loved them to pieces, and I couldn't bear to live if I found out any of them got hurt. The last time I saw Maddie, Toby or Arabella was.. well when I blew up at them. I yelled at my own family.. I reached my breaking point. I haven't a clue what day it was, or what month, but it had to be near summer, or at least the middle of it.

I remember the day I was taken like it was yesterday. I was alone at the shop, I told George to take the day off and hang out with Angelina and Lee, who worked here only some days of the week, to have the day off too. I was closing up, and then everything shattered. Shelves fell over and then everything went black. I was hit in the head and when I woke up it was here.

Arabella's Pov

I haven't a clue where we were going, but it wasn't somewhere good. I felt Clevely's arm gripped around my tiny little body. When the feeling of apparition stopped, I fell to the floor, furiously wiping the tears out of my eyes.

When the tears were out, I looked around. Clevely was standing up, his wand pointed at me. In the corner of the room was Bellatrix, laughing at a silvery boy in an enchanted cage, Toby. "Toby!" I cried out.

He looked up at me and gave me a terrified look. "Stay over there Bella!" He cried.

"Arabella? Toby?" A new voice said. I pushed the stray strands of hair out of my face a searched the dark room.

"Quiet Weasley!" Both Clevely and Bellatrix shouted. A figure struggled in the darkness, but with little light there was in here, I saw the same color hair as mine, ginger.

"Dad? Is that you?" I croaked. With a easy swish of Clevely's wand, ropes were around my body and I fell to the floor.

"LET HER GO!" Dad shouted. Bellatrix, in her blue haze, glided over to him.

"Quiet Weasley!" She hissed. "Unless you want her dead, you will do best to shut it." My body froze and I looked up at my two captors in sheer terror.

"W-What do you want from us?" I asked, barely able to find my voice. I expected Clevely to answer, but instead it was Bellatrix.

"Your mother is the reason I am like this. The reason I have failed my Lord. It's HER FAULT!.. But being in this state hasn't stopped me. I've spent years studying, looking for something that will bring me back, so in turn I can bring My Lord back. It's a ritual, that involves your dearest father." Bellatrix snickered. "You see, Arabella is it? There is a certain way people can be brought back to life, but it involves ripping apart the bond shared by a particularum pythonissam. It really isn't that hard."

"W-What do you m-mean it isn't that h-hard?" I squeaked.

Bellatrix leaned over so we were face to face. "It means, I've just go to kill your daddy, breaking the bond, and then I've got to take the Orb of Life which will conjure up from both of them when they leave, and then basically resurrect myself. and then My Lord when I get the second Orb."

"Where will you get the second Orb? Hmm?" I smirked, seeing the one flaw in her plan. When her face didn't falter, I got worried.

"Oh child, I'm looking at it." She hissed. Staring straight at me.

Forever And Always **Sequel to From Two Different Worlds**Where stories live. Discover now