Abstract Word I

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For this, we picked abstract words out of a jar and had to write about it describing it without saying the word. See if you can figure it out. . .


In the deepest corner of your mindscape, a little gray colored girl sat in a dark corner rocking back and forth with her hands wrapped around her knees. Back and forth back and forth she rocked like a gif in and endless loop. She sat there muttering garbled words to herself that a stray passing by ear could not make out. Every now and then, her eye twitched, and she reached up with one of her shaking hands to pull a piece of her hair out.

If you listened very closely, or were brave enough to venture closer, you could make out the words she was saying as if she was arguing with an invisible person.

"What if I don't fine love, a soul mate to be with till the end times?"

"Nonsense you fool! Be quiet! Don't say that!"

"But it's true I say! I'm alone! A loner! A freak! No guys would ever want to date me! I'll be alone forever!"

"Stop saying that! You're being silly!"

Back and forth back and forth she went with herself all the while rocking away. He fingers twitched on her knees, and her head twitched and cocked to the side in jerky motions very rapidly like a chaiuaua. Her fingers still managed to find its way to her hair, and by now, half of her hair was gone laying on the ground in a colorless blob.

Just like everybody before, you backed away once you heard what she had to say. But as you went to walk away, the girl got up and started following you around. Because even when you least expect it, it finds you and follows you around forever.


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