Look at Me- Part 76

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Look at Me- Part 76

Eventually it sinks in and I'm able to walk back into

the room. Every inch of the room is covered with

pictures...of me and sticky notes too and in the

middle there is a desk. I walk up to one of the walls

and peel a picture off of it. In the picture I'm about

seven. "I don't remember this picture," I say. "I've

never even seen this before. How does he have it

if I've never even seen it," I say. I start to feel dizzy

and light headed so I sit in the desk chair. The Police

start taking pictures of the room as evidence. I'm

overwhelmed with so many emotions sitting there in

that chair. How did this go from an exciting family visit

to finding out I have a stalker that I have actually known

for years and whose story doesn't quite add up.

Look at MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon