Look at Me- Part 20

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Look at Me- Part 20

The other team set him up. They knew he would swerve and then they had a guy ready to attack.

Kneeling by Mike I feel as if my entire world came crashing down on me and in that split second I finally understood my feelings and everyone else's too I just didn't want to acknowledge them until now.

"Someone watch Celia," I say in panick. A teammate leads her to the bench and explains what has happened. "Is he going to be alright?" I ask still kneeling beside him.

"He should have woken up by now," says the Doctor.

"Come on Mike wake up," I plead.

"Give him time he was knocked unconscious," advises the Doctor.

"He may have a concussion, but that's all I can say at this moment. Are you family?" asks the Doctor.

"No, I'm not family," I reply and inside

I'm disappointed.


"MIKE!" I say and that's when I realize that I'm crying at the sound of his voice.

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