Look at Me- Part 38

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Look at Me- Part 38

Of course while Celia was sick Mike stayed over

to help with all the vomiting and other issues, but

now that Celia's better he is going to go home. I

don't want him to leave though, it'd be horrible

without him. Now that he has stayed over a couple

nights I can't imagine my everyday life without

him. He has been SO helpful and adjusted to our

routine and life I just love it so much that I don't

want it to end. I'm sitting in the kitchen drinking

some milk when Mike comes in. "Good morning,"

says Mike. "Good morning," I say. Just then Celia

comes out. "Mike come play with me!" she says.

"Sorry sweetheart, but I have to eat then pack

up," says Mike. "Awww do you really have to

leave?" asks Celia. "Yes, honey I'm sorry, but

I have to," says Mike. "Actually..." I start.

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