Look at Me- Part 22

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Look at Me- Part 22

At the hospital the Doctor examines Mike while Celia and I wait in the waiting room. I'm extremely nervous
to get the results. Finally after some time the Doctor comes to the waiting room.

"We have news," says the Doctor. "We took some x-rays and my suspicions were correct. Mike has a broken leg."

"Poor Mike. This is horrible," I say.

"He will be fine, but we do have one more dilemma. Mike has no where to stay. His family is all in Canada and his teammates have to head to the next game which is out of town. Not to mention that he can't do stairs..." says the Doctor.

"Well he could stay with us for a while," I offer.

"You can talk to Mike when he comes out after getting his cast on," says the Doctor.

Soon Mike comes back out and Celia runs to him. "Mike!" says Celia as she
runs and gives him a hug.

"Hey we need to talk Mike," I say.

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