Look at Me- Part 63

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Look at Me- Part 63

I can't stop thinking about my babies they are

always on my mind with all the what ifs. What

if they don't survive. What if they come early?

What if, what if, what if? That's all I can think

about lately luckily Mike has decided we should

go up to Canada to visit his family since I haven't met

them yet and when we first found out I was pregnant

we had promised them we would. So today 2 weeks

from when I fainted we are in the airport about to

board a plane to Canada. I've been thinking for a

while and I've decided to tell my fans today. Besides

with me traveling and almost 5 months along people

are bound to find out and I want them to find out

directly from me. "First class you may board now," says

a flight attendant. Now usually I would fly coach to feel

normal, but Mike wanted me comfortable and relaxed on

the long ride to Canada especially since with all that time

there's a lot of room to stress. We then board and find our seats.

I sit down and decide this is the perfect time to tweet about

my pregnancy before anyone else on the plane has a chance


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