Look at Me- Part 26

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Look at Me- Part 26

Once we're both ready we head to the grocery store. We are in the cereal isle when suddenly Celia runs off. "CELIA GET BACK HERE," I say trying not to be too loud. Then she hugs some man.

"I'm so sorry I don't know what got into her," I say as the stranger turns towards me.

"Mike!" I say excited.

"Duh Mommy I wouldn't hug a stranger," says Celia and Mike and I


"How have you been? I haven't seen you in what seems like forever," says Mike.

"I've been good we've been on tour for most of the time," I say.

"Hey you've got your cast off!" I say.

"Yeah turns out it wasn't as bad as they thought," says Mike.

"Hey we were going to go and have some breakfast do you want to come with?" I ask.

"I would be happy to!" says Mike.

We quickly finish grocery shopping and then head to have breakfast. We get to the restaurant and we head inside. "Table for 3," Mike says. All of a sudden in walks the police...

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