Look at Me- Part 31

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Look at Me-Part 31

When we get to the walk in clinic Mike carries

Celia out of the car with the bucket in front of

her and sits down in the waiting room with Celia

on his lap while I talk to the receptionist. Once

done I head over and sit down. "Hey honey how ya

feelin'?" I ask. "Horrible Mommy," she says. "I'm so

sorry to hear that sweetheart," I say. "It's okay Mommy

I know it wasn't your fault," Celia says. "Celia Underwood,"

says the lady that calls you in. Mike picks up Celia

and follows behind me while I follow the lady into

the room. After the little "questionnaire" the doctor

comes in. "What seems to be the matter today?"

asks the doctor. I explain everything to him and

he responds "I see it sounds like Celia has..."

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