Look at Me- Part 25

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Look at Me- Part 25

Celia and I got home late last night and fell asleep instantly. This morning I woke up startled because I was sleeping in my own bed at home. I had completely forgot that we got home last night.

I get up to get some breakfast and to check on Celia. She is still sound asleep so I close her door so the sun won't

wake her. I go to the cupboard grabbing a box of cereal. "Gross its stale," I say aloud. I look and the one other cereal box we have is expired and the fridge is practically empty. I decide to wait till Celia gets up and then we'll go to the grocery store.

All of a sudden Celia appears. "Your up so early?" I ask.

"Remember Mommy I took a nap yesterday," she says.

"Oh yeah that's right," I say. "We're out of food honey wanna get dressed and

head to the grocery store?" I ask.

"Sure!" she says excitedly.

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