Look at Me- Part 4

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Look at Me- Part 4

"I'm sorry I didn't know you are married," says Mike after I explained the whole glasses, contacts situation to him.

"Actually it's WAS married," I say. "I'm getting a divorce."

"I know this is none of my business, but do you mind me asking why?" asks Mike.

"No, I don't mind at all. See me and my ex husband had been married for about a year when I found out I was pregnant little did I know he didn't want kids. When I told him he freaked out and left instantly leaving me pregnant and alone. He came back eventually though making me relieved until he instead
handed me the divorce papers and out the door he went," I explain.

"Oh my. I'm so sorry," says Mike.

"Don't be my daughter was the one thing that got me through it all. If I wouldn't have had her I don't think I
would've ever made it through that mess," I confess.

"So who is this beauty hiding behind you?" asks Mike making me realize she was doing just that.

"This is Celia; she's 7," I tell him. "That reminds me aren't you supposed to be with Charity your babysitter?" I ask Celia suddenly alarmed.

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