Look at Me- Part 65

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Look at Me- Part 65

We walk through the airport to get to where we have

to exit to get to where our rental car is. We find the exit

and then the rental car. Soon we are on the road. It is

so cool to finally be in Canada! Eventually we get to

Mike's parents house. As we pull into the driveway they

run outside in excitement! As we get out of the car they

meet us there. "Oh! You must be Carrie we've heard so

much about you! Gosh your so beautiful like Mike said!

It's so nice to meet you in person we've only been able to

watch you on tv!" says Mike's Mom Karen. "Look at this

beautiful young lady," says Mike's Dad. "You've picked a

good one son," adds his Dad. "And this must be little Celia

we've heard just as much about you as we've heard about your

Mommy!" says Mike's Mom giving Celia a big hug. Then Mike's

Dad walks over to Celia "Hey Sweetie would you like to come

inside and we can show you around. There's a room inside I

think you will really like!" With that said he picks Celia up and

starts carrying her inside. "Let's just get you guys inside I'll have

Jim bring your bags in afterwards," says Mike's Mom.

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