Look at Me- Part 40

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Look at Me- Part 40

It's been almost 3 months and summer is almost

over. I found out Celia is like me because she wants

to be involved in music too, but differently. She wants

to be just a songwriter nothing else and I think it's

great. Celia is at camp right now actually for

songwriting. The camp isn't overnight, so I still

get to see her and she says she loves the camp.

Mike just got home from dropping Celia off. "Hey

Mike I have to go to my yearly doctors appointment

I'll back," I say. "Okay babe," he says. I then jump

in the car and head to the doctors office. Back at

home Mike gets a call. "Hello. WHAT... okay I'll

be there soon I just have to go and pick up Celia,"

says Mike. Mike quickly heads to Celia's camp

and talks to the counselor then Mike tells her to

come with him and he'll explain in the car. "Celia

sweetheart," says Mike to Celia as they are standing

outside the car. "I have some horrible news...," he


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